Nội dung
On the Succession of the Twentieth Century Chinese Revolution / Wang Qi-sheng.
// Journal of Huazhong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences) 2013, Vol 52, N.5 p96-p106 辛亥革命、国民革命、共产革命是中国革命过程中相互衔接、演进的三个阶段,前一次革命为后一次革命“预留”了空间,后一次革命在前一次革命的基础上推进.正是这三次革命的相互关联、递进,共同构建了“中国革命”这一历史事件.20世纪中国革命具有“高山滚石”效应,革命一旦启动,越滚越急,越滚越猛,前一次的成功,会激励后一次的继续;前一次未能实现的目标,后一次会采取更激烈的手段去实现,革命的诉求指数不断提升.20世纪中国革命显示,弱势的革命党难以完成革命建国的重任;强势的革命党可以实现革命建国,又难以完成革命之后的政治转型.革命成功后,强势政党往往不愿让其他政党分享治权.强势革命的最大难题,不是革命如何发动,而是革命如何结束.发动革命需要激情,结束革命更需要理智.革命成功后,政治必须转入常轨,回归常态,尽快“去革命化”,建立常规制度
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不新的“新文化”:民国思潮第一幕的嵌入式研究 = A New Culture without Any Novelty: An Embedded Study on the Earliest Social Thoughts in Colonial-era China / 雷颐(LEI Yi).
// Journal of Nanjing university 2016, Vol 53, N.3 p89-p100+p159 "Toppling down Chinese tradition in an uncompromising way"has long been viewed as either an unprecedented achievement or an incomparable guilt in May-4th New Culture Movement. However,a closer look at history can enable us to conclude that "toppling down Chinese tradition in an uncompromising way"may be traced back to as early as the A-Hundred-Day Reform Movement,and took its shape around the Revolution of 1911. May-4th New Culture Movement has been acclaimed as the matrix of the following five arguments: China had for thousands of years a dark history of autocratic rule by the emperors; the national character with servility of the Chinese people was necessarily to be transformed; personal emancipation should be upheld; Confucianism must be completely devalued; and the Chinese people should be enlightened with democracy and science. As a matter of fact,these arguments were thoroughly worked on in the period between the A-Hundred-Day Reform Movement and the Revolution of 1911. As the earliest social thoughts in colonial-era China,May-4th New Culture Movement contributed nothing but to broaden the arguments,and incorporated them into a social movement. Only by embedding these social thoughts into social movements can we better understand their matrix and significance
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高山滚石 :20世纪中国革命的连续与递进 / 王奇生.
// Journal of Central China Normal University. Philosophy and social sciences. 2013, Vol. 52.
// 华中师范大学学报. 哲学社会科学版 2013, 第52卷 武汉 : 华中师范大学学报编辑部, 2013.tr. 96 - 106. 辛亥革命、国民革命、共产革命是中国革命过程中相互衔接、演进的三个阶段,前一次革命为后一次革命"预留"了空间,后一次革命在前一次革命的基础上推进。正是这三次革命的相互关联、递进,共同构建了"中国革命"这一历史事件。20世纪中国革命具有"高山滚石"效应,革命一旦启动,越滚越急,越滚越猛,前一次的成功,会激励后一次的继续;前一次未能实现的目标,后一次会采取更激烈的手段去实现,革命的诉求指数不断提升。20世纪中国革命显示,弱势的革命党难以完成革命建国的重任;强势的革命党可以实现革命建国,又难以完成革命之后的政治转型。革命成功后,强势政党往往不愿让其他政党分享治权。强势革命的最大难题,不是革命如何发动,而是革命如何结束。发动革命需要激情,结束革命更需要理智。革命成功后,政治必须转入常轨,回归常态,尽快"去革命化",建立常规制度。
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