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Plot and Anti-Plot, Narration and Disnarration / Zhao Yiheng // Journal of Huazhong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences) 2014, Vol 53, N.6


The problem of plot occupies the central position in narratology. Once all genres of narratives are considered, the issue of plot becomes extremely complicated. The three related terms of event, plot and story should be strictly separated. The basic definition of narrative is a text that involves a plot, but in disnarration, .the plot is “deleted” by the text, and the deletion form an essential part of the plot* Plot is based on events, but not all events contain the same narrativity. The criterion is so complex that it involves all the cultural values of the society that support the narrative text
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现代汉语判断性事件的句法语义分析 = A Syntactic and Semantic Analysis on Judgmental Eventualities in Modern Chinese. / 屠爱萍; 萧国政. // Applied linguistics. 2014, No.2.
143 p.

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表量结构「なにも」的句法语义特征——兼谈两种量化机制 / 贾黎黎. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.4. // 外语教学与研究 2015, 第47卷.第4期
535-546+640 p.

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量化事件的“每”结构 = Event-quantifying Mei-constructions. / Huang Zanhui;Shi Dingxu. // Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2013, Vol. 27.

305-318 p.

This paper analyzes the event-quantifying měi-construction. It is argued that in event-quantifying měi-constructions what follows the event classifier cì designates event kinds but not concrete existential events,thus semantically the event-quantifying měi-construction is similar to the individual-quantifying měi-construction in structure and can be analyzed accordingly.
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