Dòng Nội dung
“NP+好V”构式的认知机制与动态演变研究 = A Research on the Cognitive Mechanism and Dynamic Evolution of Construction ‘NP + hao V’. / Lei Dongping;Hu Lizhen. // Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2013, Vol. 27.

470-484 p.

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“王冕死了父亲”的构式归属——兼议汉语存现构式的范畴化/ 吕建军 // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2013, Vol. 5 (163). // 语言教学与研究 2013, 第5卷 (163)
北京 : 北京语言大学语言研究所, 2013.
tr. 75-83

This paper argue that the construction meaning of "wang mian sile fugin" is "appearance or disapearance" rather than "occurrence" or "gaining or lossing" on the basis of inheritance relation of construction. The paper also claims that this type of sentence should be classified as existential sentences, according to the locative character which the animate noun in front of sentence showed by metonymy as well as the relationship between the verb and construction meaning. Finally, the category of existential sentences is summarized.
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Vers une analyse multimodale du sens. Perspectives constructionnelles sur la gestualité co-grammaticale / Steven Schoonjans; Paul Sambre; Geert Brône; Kurt Feyaerts. // Langages 2016, N.201.
p. 33 - 50.

La présente contribution vise à mieux cerner le statut de la gestualité en grammaire. À cet effet sont fournies deux études de cas sur les gestes co-grammaticaux indexicaux et iconiques. L’idée centrale de cette grammaire multimodale est que mots et gestes, au sens large, appartenant à des canaux sémiotiques à première vue incompatibles, se doivent d’être intégrés dans une seule construction, fidèle à l’hypothèse cognitiviste que les constructions grammaticales assemblent des éléments linguistiques matériels en une seule représentation conceptuelle schématique.
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构式“爱V不V”的认知语义及整合度等级 = The Cognitive Semantics and the Integration Degree of the Construction “Ai V Bu V” / Li Si-xu; Shen Cai-yun; Anhui University;Shanghai Normal University; // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2015, No.2.
p. 57-65.

The breakthrough point of this paper is the prosodic segmentation and the conceptual blending.We discuss the syllable of the verb and the prosodic segmentation of the whole construction.Then we analyze the syntactic function and the verb V of the construction "ai V bu V".Finally,we divide the construction "ai V bu V" into three grades in the perspective of conceptual blending theory,according to the integration degree.
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