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“NP+好V”构式的认知机制与动态演变研究 = A Research on the Cognitive Mechanism and Dynamic Evolution of Construction ‘NP + hao V’. / Lei Dongping;Hu Lizhen.
// Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2013, Vol. 27. 470-484 p. "NP+好V"是一个事物特征主观模糊凸显的构式,由于物性认知框架和视角的不同,具有主观评判功能的"好"激活与定指NP发生语义关系的V的认知模型,通过"好V"转喻来凸显NP的认知聚焦特征。因此,"好V"的语义相当于一个形容词,但"好V"却并不都是形容词,因为它是一个动态发展的结构,其内部成员并不整齐划一,除少数已经词汇化外(如"好看"),绝大部分还处于跨层短语组合的阶段。
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“王冕死了父亲”的构式归属——兼议汉语存现构式的范畴化/ 吕建军
// Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2013, Vol. 5 (163).
// 语言教学与研究 2013, 第5卷 (163) 北京 : 北京语言大学语言研究所, 2013.tr. 75-83 This paper argue that the construction meaning of "wang mian sile fugin" is "appearance or disapearance" rather than "occurrence" or "gaining or lossing" on the basis of inheritance relation of construction. The paper also claims that this type of sentence should be classified as existential sentences, according to the locative character which the animate noun in front of sentence showed by metonymy as well as the relationship between the verb and construction meaning. Finally, the category of existential sentences is summarized.
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