Dòng Nội dung
中国经济增长的主导产业:服务业还是工业? / 夏杰长, 主导产业 // Journal of Nanjing University . 2016, No.3.


中国道路的世界历史意义解读 = An Interpretation of the Significance of China’s Road in World History / 许江, XU Jiang. // Journal of Nanjing University . 2016, No.3.

China’s road is among the best of human civilization,thus finding itself in the world’s value system. China’s road has been foiling the western attempt of world domination in the myth of a universal model,leaving the rest of the world another possible development pattern,which is more productive and diversified. Characterised with a peaceful development,China’s road has outmoded the set pattern of the west that "the powerful will bully",offering a new possibility in the development and progress of human societies. A successful model explored and tested in the thirdworld China,China’s road is to provide a good example and useful lessons for the rest of develo-ping countries to learn. China’s road has been creatively putting into practice Marx’assumption on leaping over"Caudine Forks",solving the problems of the communist world on how to consolidate,construct and push forward socialism. China’s road refuels the global movement of socialism,and helps it to move out of its present dilemma.

保险请求权代位制度的新展开 = The New Extension of Insurance Subrogation Regime / 岳卫, YUE Wei, 叶胥, YE Xu // Journal of Nanjing University . 2016, No.3.


全面建成小康社会与中国居民消费发展 = Building China into a Fairly Well-off Society and China’s National Consumption / 毛中根, MAO Zhong-gen. // Journal of Nanjing University . 2016, No.3.


新常态下中国经济增长的动力和逻辑 = China’s Economic Growth in the New Normal: Its Power and Logic / 高波, GAO Bo. // Journal of Nanjing University . 2016, No.3.

Having entered a new normal and giving a growth at its middle and high speed,China’s economy is mainly an urban and service economy with high-end industry,which is being driven by innovation and an open economy on a higher level. The new normal is making an opportunity for China’s economy to move on from being an economic giant to being an economic superpower,as well as crises caused by weak growth. The motive force of China’s economic growth in the new normal will be jointly produced by the macro management on the demand side,the structural reform on the supply side,and the innovation of science and technology. Specifically,China’s economy is to develop further if we are to have a market-oriented reform,a synchronized development of "four modernizations",a balanced development among regions,under a development policy that is more open and green. Poverty reduction is vital though tough a job in our efforts to build China into a fairly well-off society