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Focuson Form和Focuson Forms两种教学法对汉语二语词汇学习的影响 =The Role of Form-focused Instruction in CSL Vocabulary Learning:A Comparative Study of “Focus on Form” versus “Focus on Forms” / 洪炜, Hong Wei. // 世界汉语教学i, vol 30, no 2, 2016


本文通过一项教学实验考察两种不同的形式教学法,即:意义优先、聚焦形式教学法(Focus on Form,简称FonF)和全形式教学法(Focus on Forms,简称FonFs)对汉语二语词汇学习的影响。意义优先、聚焦形式教学法在完成阅读理解任务的过程中学习生词,而全形式教学法则采用传统的词汇表方式学习生词。实验从五个维度测量了两种教学法对汉语二语词汇学习的影响,结果发现:整体而言,全形式教学法对汉语二语学习者的词汇学习效果更显著;尤其是在词汇搭配、词义联想方面,全形式教学法显著优于意义优先、聚焦形式教学法。

汉语二语者近义词差异的习得考察 = A Study on the L2 Acquisition of Differences in Similar Sense and Dissimilar Sense of Chinese Near-synonyms / 洪炜; 陈楠. // Applied linguistics. 2013, No.2.
99-106 p.

Using multiple-choice tests,self-assessment of learning difficulty and interviews,the study aims to explore how Chinese as a second language(CSL) learners differentiate between the various meanings of Chinese near-synonyms.The results showed that CSL learners at the primary stage could not distinguish the differences of similar senses or dissimilar senses.At the intermediate stage,learners improved in their ability to distinguish the differences in similar senses as well as dissimilar senses.However,students acquired dissimilar senses better than similar senses.At the advanced stage,learners performed well on both.The findings indicated that the near-synonymous construction pattern in the internal lexicon goes through a dynamic changing process from word-based connection to word-sense-based connection.

英语母语者习得抽象义“在X下”的实证研究 = An Empirical Study on the Acquisition of Abstract Prepositional Frame Construction “Zai X Xia”by English Native Speakers / 吴继峰; 洪炜. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2015, No.4.
吉林省延吉市 : 双月, 2015.
p. 85-94.

This study takes prepositional frame construction "zai X xia"as the research object,the present study examines whether semantic types and Chinese language proficiency affect the acquisition of "zai X xia"by English native speakers by using inter-language corpora survey and experimental investigation method. As the result,case semantic of "zai X xia"is more difficult than condition semantics of "zai X xia"; High-level English native speakers master better than intermediatelevel speakers. Besides,based on language transfer theory,this paper analyzes the reasons which affect the acquisition from comparison between Chinese and English,markedness,language distance,frequency and prototype. At last,on the basis of these findings,some pedagogical suggestions for teaching and learning prepositional frame construction are proposed.