Dòng Nội dung
汉语盲文语料库建设方案 = Construction of a Chinese Braille Corpus / 肖航; 钟经华. // Applied linguistics. 2015, No.3.
109-118 p.

The paper presents a design for the construction of a Chinese Braille corpus,which is needed because Chinese Braille has distinctive features in terms of the writing of particles and of intonations,different from normal Chinese characters. The corpus designed in this paper is of about 10 million characters,and it is tagged with linguistic and touching information. The corpus is of both theoretical and practical significance in deepening the understanding of Chinese Braille,promoting fundamental research, information research and standardization research, and improving the accessibility of the Braille. The paper explains the construction of the corpus in terms of material selection and collection,corpus annotation and assistant software development,and points out important and difficult issues in the construction process.