Dòng Nội dung
“全球汉语中介语语料库建设和研究”的设计理念 / 张宝林;崔希亮 // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2013, Vol. 5 (163). // 语言教学与研究 2013, 第5卷 (163)
北京 : 北京语言大学语言研究所, 2013.
tr. 27-34

At present, the construction of Inter-language Corpus of Chinese is in an imprtant period of vigorous development. At the same time, there still exist many problems and various needs of teaching and research need to be met. To solve these problems, we initiated a project of "the Construction and Research of the inter-language Corpus of Chinese from Global learners". Via the implementation of this project, we attempt to futher promote the construction and development of the corpus. The featured properties of the project include idea innovation, content innovation and method innovation.

关于汉语国际教育的学科定位问题 = On the Discipline Orientation of TCSOL / 崔希亮. // 世界汉语教学 =Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2015, Vol. 29.

405-411 p.


汉语熟语与中国人文世界 / 崔 希亮
北京 : 北京语言大学出版社, 2006
326p. ; 21 cm.