Dòng Nội dung
Cách xưng hô bằng biểu thức miêu tả trong tiếng Việt / Vũ Thị Sao Chi. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2015, Số 8-9 (316-317)
99-109 tr.

This paper exprores Vietnamese vocative discriptive expressions in terms of their physical characteristics, their semantics contents and their contexts of use. It highlights that these expressions are special forms of address, making a contribution to the already rich and complex picture of vocatives in Vietnamese communication. A vocative descriptive expression may be a word or a phrase, but it can only be a noun or a noun phrase. In terms of meaning, it has the feature reflecting or describing a certain characteristics of the addressor or addressee. Thesefore, in addition to the naming function, indicting the object of address, a vocative descritptive expression “sketches” the image of the addressee as perceived by the addressor. Vocative descriptive expressions ares provisional expressions, tied to specific communicative situations and are often used in such informal situations as josh, humor, curse, or in communication between two complete stragers. Vocative descriptivef expressions are a communication strategy in which the speaker reveals his point of view, his angle of evaluation, and his attitude towards himself and the intercocutor. At the same time the use o descriptive expressions of vocative impresses and attracts the listener’s attention to achieve the communicative goal and eddect as desired.

Nguyên gốc tên quê hương nhà văn Nam Cao: “Nam Sang” hay “Nam Xang”./ Vũ Thị Hương, Vũ Thị Sao Chi // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 1 (296).
tr. 59-64.

Based on the historical, geographical, administrative, cultural and dialect data, this paper explores the original name of Nam Cao’s hometown and try to answer the question whether it is “Nam Sang” or “Nam Xang”?

Về khái niệm “Phong cách ngôn ngữ”./ Vũ Thị Sao Chi // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 4 (299).
tr. 13-23.

Starting from the fact that the choice and language usage vary according to discourse fields which in turn leads to the emergence of the linguistic style, the present paper proposes the following definition of the concept of “linguistic style”: “A linguistic style refers to the consistent use of language in a certain discourse field and in conformity with the habits of a certain linguistic community”.

Về sự phân loại ngôn ngữ./ Vũ Thị Sao Chi // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 5 (300).
tr. 21-30.

Starting from the fact that the choice and language usage vary according to the discourse fields, the present paper suggests a classification of linguistic styles based on the contrasts of discourse fields. Depending on the contrasts among the discourse fields in different high-low levels, there are generally 4 levels of linguistic styles which are level 1 (colloquial style – written style); level 2 (register level styles); level 3 (genre styles); and level 4 (individual styles).

Xác định phong cách ngôn ngữ bằng phương pháp định lượng. / Vũ Thị Sao Chi. // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 6 (301).
tr. 19-30.

Based on the prototype theory and quantitative methods in linguistics, the present paper suggests a way to identify language styles by quantitative methods. Some mathematical formulas have been used to measure the density of linguistic means in a prototypical document and the correlation between the linguistic means and the prototypical document and linguistic means of any compared document. The density measures of linguistic means in a prototypical document will highlight the most distinctive and typical linguistic means of a style. This is the prerequisite for constructing standards for each linguistic style. The correlations between the linguistic means of the prototypical document and the linguistic means of the compared document are used to assess whether or not the compared document belongs to the same style of the prototypical document. We consider this a trial in an attempt to contribute a new approach to study linguistic style - the quantitative stylistics.