Dòng Nội dung
汉语二语学习者重动句偏误分析及其教学策略 = Types of Errors in Acquiring“Verb-copying Sentence”by Foreign Students,Causes and Teaching Strategies / 谢福 // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 2 // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第2卷

26-34 p.

ased on second language acquisition theories and an analysis of inter-language materials found in the large scale corpuses,this paper explores the types of errors and the causes of the errors in foreign students’ acquisition of"Verb-copying Sentence"at the preliminary,intermediate and advanced levels.Pedagogical strategies concerning the teaching of"Verb-copying Sentence"are thus put forward.

语文分进和并进两种教学模式下非汉字圈初级汉语学习者的正字法意识 = A Comparative Study on Chinese Learners’ Orthographic Awareness in Two Different Teaching Models / 陈琳; 叶仕骞; 吴门吉 // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 2 // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第2卷

19-25 p.

he study of this paper investigated Chinese learners’ orthographic awareness by observing the behaviors of the Chinese learners who are beginners from non-Chinese character cultural sphere.During the investigation,the students were separated into two different classes which were manipulated in two different teaching models:Chinese characters were taught separately with spoken Chinese in one class,and they were taught together in another.The result is that after two semesters’ Chinese learning,the Chinese orthographic awareness of all students developed and no significant differences were found between the two.Both radical awareness and radical position awareness were at similar levels for all the students.