Dòng Nội dung
汉语(不)定指标记儿童习得研究 = Acquisition of(in)definiteness markers in child Mandarin / WU Zhuang; HUANG Rong; ZHANG Zhenghao;Faculty of English Language and Culture,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies;School of Foreign Languages,Xiangtan University. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.2. // 外语教学与研究 2013, 第45卷.第4期
176-189+319 p.

Using the picture-elicitation technique,the present study investigates the use of NP forms and syntactic positions in marking(in)definiteness by Mandarin-acquiring children aged between 3-9in their story-telling.The results indicate an early acquisition of the mapping between NP forms and indefiniteness,but a late development of the syntactic position markers,as evidenced by the preschoolers’ frequent violation of the subject definiteness constraint,i.e.,using numeral phrases as the sentential subject.The study also reveals an impact by the number of referents on the choice of NP forms in marking new referents.Both children and adults in the study produced more numeral phrases when referring to multiple referents than did they when referring to a single referent.These findings support the view that the mapping between NP forms and referentiality is acquired early,while linguistic knowledge at the syntax-pragmatics interface is more difficult to acquire.However,the idea that young children do not take the hearer’ s knowledge into consideration in their language is not supported by the present study.

英汉极性触发结构比较 = Polarity trigger constructions in English and Chinese / WEN Weiping; School of Foreign Languages,Xiangtan University. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.2. // 外语教学与研究 2013, 第45卷.第4期
190-203+319 p.

The lian...douconstruction in Chinese and the even-construction in English are polarity triggers,causing the polarity meaning of NPs.As minimizers and NPs with scalar inference are ordered NPs,evenand lian...douonly have to activate their semantics.Unordered NPs are assigned scalar meaning,functioning as minimizers in negative sentences and maximizers in positive sentences.In English,the scalar particle evencan be covertly expressed only when it activates minimizers,for minimizers incorporate the meaning of even.In Chinese,the scalar particle lianis not obligatorily overtly present.The[+Focus]feature in the construction can be spelled out by lian or the focus stress on the NP or both.Even and lian...doutrigger the existential presupposition and the scalar presupposition.However,these two presuppositions do not always behave symme~trically,with one being more salient than the other.In the English even-construction,there is no lexical means to tell this subtle difference and therefore it is claimed that the existential presupposition may be absent.Chinese employs the alternation of douand ye to distinguish the asymmetrical behavior of presuppositions.When a scalar presupposition is salient,the lian....douconstruction is used,and the construction of lian...ye is preferable when the existential presupposition is more salient.