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“哪怕”用法的范畴化现象 / 杨德峰, 范麾京
// 汉语学习 ,Chinese Language Learning 2020(06) 中国 : 吉林省延吉市, 2020p.17-25 Through the statistical analysis of corpus, this paper finds that there are categorization phenomena in the adverbs with "napa",the position of "napa" and the clauses "napa". The clauses with "napa" can express the unreal assumption and real assumption, the unreal assumption is a typical usage. "Napa" is most often connected by neutral clauses and negative ones, and they are a typical usage. In the constructions of complex sentences formed by "napa", some of the main clauses and subordinate clauses have forward restriction relations, some have reverse restriction relations, and some non-restriction relations. Moreover, the distribution of the three semantic relations is relatively balanced and there is no obvious tendency.
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初级口语教材语法教学模式考察及分析 / 杨德峰
// 汉语学习 No.5/2019 tr.82-96 本文通过对国内不同时期有代表性的11部初级口语教材进行统计,发现语法点的教学模式主要有"讲—展""展—讲""展""讲""练"五大类,文章详细统计了各类中的不同模式的使用情况,分析了它们的利弊得失
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汉语常用词用法词典 / 李晓琪,刘德联,杨德峰. 北京 : 北京大学出版社, 1997.1057 页. ; 21 cm.
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