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从主观强调看“仅限于”的词汇化过程——兼论词缀“于”的零形化 / 杜可风 // 汉语学习 ,Chinese Language Learning 2020(04)
中国 : 吉林省延吉市, 2020

"Jinxianyu" has been formed in the evolution of "Jin" determining "xianyu". "Jin" is an adverbial modifier, and "xinayu" is a verb. There is a determinative relationship between the two words, which serve to limit the emphasis. "xianyu" has the part of speech both in verbs and prepositions. In the evolution process "jinxinayu" has the function of emphasizing the limitation of a certain range. From the perspective of expression function, it has the functions of strengthening focus, subjective emphasis, and association. "Yu" evolved from the affix in "xianyu" to the clitic in "jinxianyu", due to the constraints of rhythm factors, and it finally drops and becomes zero form, forming a phenomenon of "jinxian" and "jinxianyu".

言谈互动视角下的汉语言说类元话语标记 / 曹秀玲; 杜可风; // Chinese Teaching in the World 2018(02)


Discourse markers of yanshuo-type are the most prominent subcategory of Chinese discourse markers which occurs in both spoken and written discourse.As far as constituency are concerned,yanshuo discourse markers can be divided into the verbal and the nominal,with the verbal being the majority.From the perspective of pragmatic function,yanshuo discourse markers are the results of interactive communication,mainly to mark the perspective,mode,attitude and progress of speech.In terms of developing route,these discourse markers originate from basic discourse,resulting from synchronic grammaticalization of basic discourse.Cross-linguistically,they represent a common phenomenon in human languages,but in Chinese this type of discourse markers is large in number and has their own characteristics in construction mode.