Dòng Nội dung
Quand la pause devient-elle un symptôme du bégaiement ? Une étude acoustique et articulatoire / Ivana Didirková, Sébastien Le Maguer, Fabrice Hirsch. // LANGAGES N° 211 (3/2018)
p. 127-141

This work has two aims. The first one was to analyse differences in non-pathological full and silent pauses in the speech of people who stutter and subjects who do not stutter. The second aim is to understand articulatory and acoustic specificities of stuttering-like disfluencies. To carry out this work, acoustic and articulatory data, acquired by means of an electromagnetic articulograph, were obtained. Results show that duration was not significant to differentiate non-pathological disfluencies. Nevertheless, the articulatory study reveals that movements linked to the sound following the disfluency started earlier in stuttering-like disfluencies than in the second category.

Que cachent les pauses silencieuses en parole ? Une étude de cas / Fabrice Hirsch, Ivana Didirková, Camille Fauth. // LANGAGES N° 211 (3/2018)
p. 111-125

The aim of this work is to study physiological and articulatory events present during silent pauses in different types of speech. An audio recording has been carried out on one subject while reading a text, describing a picture and producing spontaneous speech. Acoustic data were synchronized with an Electromagnetic Articulograph (EMA) in order to observe the activity within the vocal cavity during pauses, and with a respiratory belt, which allows to detect breath-takings. Results show that respiratory pauses are significantly longer than pauses without a respiratory activity. Concerning the articulatory level, movements have been observed during pauses. These movements are due either to the retention of the sounds preceding the pause or to the preparation of the sounds following the pause.