Dòng Nội dung
Tín nhiệm của giản viên tiếng Anh về đường hướng giảng dạy kỹ năng viết cho sinh viên : Nghiên cứu định tính quy mô nhỏ tại một trường đại học ở Việt Nam = Beliefs of EFL teachers regarding teaching approaches to writing skills for students: a small-scale qualitative study at a university in Vietnam / Ngô Xuân Thủy, Nguyễn Hồng Giang // Tạp chí Khoa học Ngoại ngữ Số 78/2024

Tr. 78 - 98

Despite extensive research on the relationship between beliefs and practices in various aspects of second language writing instruction, studies focusing on teachers' beliefs regarding teaching approaches to writing and the factors that shape these beliefs, particularly in higher education contexts, are scarce. This study investigated the beliefs of three university teachers regarding their instructional approaches to second language writing via in-depth semi-structured interviews. The findings reveal a discrepancy between the teachers preferred approaches and those they actually use. Although the teachers could flexibly implement an eclectic approach that combines both product and process-oriented methods, they tend to prefer a single approach. In addition, the challenges preventing these teachers from implementing their preferred approaches may derive from the external factors, including the lack of professional development, large class