Dòng Nội dung
English verb conjugations : 123 irregular verbs fully conjugated--tense, mood, number / Vincent F. Hopper.
Woodbury, N.Y. : Barron s Educational Series, inc., c1975.
iv, 346 p. ; 21 cm.

Newspapers / Peter Grundy
Oxford ; Oxford University Press, 1993
134 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English / A.S. Hornby; Sally Wehmeier, Colin Mclntosh, atc...
Oxford ; Oxford University Press, 2005
x, 1780p. +118.p index. : ill. ; 22cm.

This handy guide provides crystal-clear help with writing correctly and appropriately in everyday situations. Arranged alphabetically, the book contains concise entries with guidance on individual words and phrases, and longer entries on broader topics such as overused words, bullet points, and avoiding sexist language.