Dòng Nội dung
“吃食堂”的认知功能分析 = A Cognitive-functional Analysis of Mandarin Construction Chi Shitang / 胡勇; Hu Yong; // Chinese teaching in the world. shijie hanyu jioxue . 2016, No.3.
哈尔滨师范大学国际教育学院 上海师范大学对外汉语学院
342-355 p

Speculative and commentary adverbs co-occur in propositions.Their distribution mode and the specific usage fall into four categories:pre-sentence independent use vs.inner-sentence use attached to the adverbial,being attached to the whole sentence vs.being attached to the predicate,continuous co-occurrence vs.discontinuous co-occurrence,and being attached to main clause predicate vs.to sub-clause predicate.The expressive and semantic functions of dual commentary can be subsumed underexpressive commentary vs.cohesive commentary,full scope vs.half scope,assured speculation vs.speculation assurance,and recognition-type confirmation vs.suspicion-type confirmation.This compatibility of expression and the effect thus achieved are motivated by euphemistic subjective expression,comprehensive objective evaluation estimation,subjective judgment with leeway,and corresponding balance between different views.

现代汉语否定性无定代词“没的” / 沈阳, 史红改. // 当代语言学 = Contemporary Linguistics. No.2/2018.
p. 179-194.

This paper investigates the Chinese construction of"meide V"illustrated as in( 1). Focusing on the properties of meide,we find that it is distinguished from the verbal meide and the adverbial meide,and should be analyzed into a negative indefinite pronoun.( 1) a. zhe haizi zhenshi meide jiu le this kid truly MEIDE save PRT‘this kid truly has no chance to be saved’b. zhexia dajia dou meide xiuxi le this.time everybody all MEIDE rest PRT‘now we all have no chance to take a rest’The development pat... More

语法化视角下“着”和“在”的差异性分析 = The Analysis of Differences Between Zhe and Zai from the Perspective of Grammaticalization / 鞠志勤;Ju Zhiqin. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 3 (173) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第3卷 (173)

75-83 p.
