Dòng Nội dung
“吃食堂”的认知功能分析 = A Cognitive-functional Analysis of Mandarin Construction Chi Shitang / 胡勇; Hu Yong; // Chinese teaching in the world. shijie hanyu jioxue . 2016, No.3.
哈尔滨师范大学国际教育学院 上海师范大学对外汉语学院
342-355 p

Speculative and commentary adverbs co-occur in propositions.Their distribution mode and the specific usage fall into four categories:pre-sentence independent use vs.inner-sentence use attached to the adverbial,being attached to the whole sentence vs.being attached to the predicate,continuous co-occurrence vs.discontinuous co-occurrence,and being attached to main clause predicate vs.to sub-clause predicate.The expressive and semantic functions of dual commentary can be subsumed underexpressive commentary vs.cohesive commentary,full scope vs.half scope,assured speculation vs.speculation assurance,and recognition-type confirmation vs.suspicion-type confirmation.This compatibility of expression and the effect thus achieved are motivated by euphemistic subjective expression,comprehensive objective evaluation estimation,subjective judgment with leeway,and corresponding balance between different views.

《语言、思维与大脑中的转喻》介绍 / Boguslaw Bierwiaczonek;曾国才. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 3 // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第3卷

372-374 p.

<正>转喻是语言中的普遍现象。对转喻的认知研究有助于我们更加深刻认识语言背后的认知机制。《语言思维与大脑中的转喻》(Metonymy in Language,Thougt and Brain)由波兰学者Boguslaw Bierwiaczonek撰写,于2013年由Equinox Publishing出版社出版。全书共七部分,包括:转喻概念的研究简史;形式转喻,即句法中的转喻;语词形态中的转喻;语用中的转喻、语义中的转喻、转喻的心智体验观;全书总结以及对未来转喻研究的建议。第一章简述了转喻概念的研究历史,梳理了基于不同标准的转喻分类,探.

汉语领主属宾句的主语:转喻还是活跃区? = The Subject of Possessor-Subject & Possessum-Object Construction in Chinese:Metonymy or Active Zone? / 王立永; 韩红建;Wang Liyong;Han Hongjian. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 3 (173) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第3卷 (173)

56-65 p.


离合词的句法本质再探——对袁毓林(2018)等质疑的回应 / 叶狂, 潘海华. // 当代语言学 = Contemporary Linguistics. 2018/4 - Volume 20
p. 605-615.

Yuan(2018) as well as others argues against Pan and Ye’s(2015) "cognate object hypothesis" which advocates that the constructions with separable words in Mandarin Chinese are bona fide cognate object constructions and no split inside disyllabic verbs has ever taken place. Yuan puts forward his own "metonymy hypothesis" for the separable words, claiming that the very mechanism that sanctions disyllabic words to be used in a divorced manner is formal metonymy, where a verb phrase with an incorpora.

维吾尔语动词“t∫iqmαq”多义范畴的语义延伸机制 = The Semantic Extension Mechanisms of Uyghur“ t∫iqmαq ”Polysemic Category / Li Yan-ping; Language and Culture College, Xinjiang Medical University. // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 2, 2015.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2015.
p. 39-42+48.

Polysemy is not a universal and significant language phenomenon in every language,but also it has become one of the focuses concerned by linguists.From cognitive linguistics angles,this paper explores the semantic extension mechanism of Uyghu"r t∫iqmαq "polysemic category,and reveals the process and related senses of its semantic network by means of the perspectives of image schema,metaphor and metonymy.