Dòng Nội dung
汉语量度有字句的句法分析 = A Syntactic Analysis of Degree Construction with You in Chinese / 熊仲儒;Xiong Zhongru. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 3 (173) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第3卷 (173)

46-55 p.

The degree construction with ‘you’(有)refers to the sentence such as‘Zhangsan you yimi gao’(张三有一米高)and ‘Zhangsan you Lisi name gao’(张三有李四那么高),which contains many critical constructs such as the Adjective,Theme,Deg(ree),Measure and Acc(ess).The Acc can often be realized as‘you’phonetically and the Deg as‘zheme/name’(这么/那么).The Acc and Deg give the construction a denotation of accessing a certain measure or degree.Measure can be a NumP or a DP,the choice of which can lead to a series of differences,e.g.whether the Acc and Deg can be realized phonetically or not,and where the adjective can occur.The Adjective,Deg and Measure can form a constituent and act as a complememt of‘you’,which can be called DegP and is Predicative.The Adjective is not extended from the Comp(are)in the construction,so it is not a comparative construction.

量度范畴与汉语形容词 = The Functional Category Deg and Adjectives in Chinese. / Xiong Zhongru. // Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2013, Vol. 27.

291-304 p.

Adjectives can be divided into the depictive and the attributive. The distinctions between them concern the functional category Deg. To check the intrinsic degree feature of the depictive,Deg obligatorily extends it without phonological realization. Hence,the depictive can function as predicate and relative clause freely,but it cannot be modified by hen or embedded in compounds. Deg extends the attributive optionally. To check the attributive’s optional degree feature,Deg should be realized phonologically; otherwise it should be licensed by other functional categories. Hence,the attributive can be modified by hen and embedded in compounds,but it cannot function as predicate or relative clause freely.