Dòng Nội dung
Hàm ý thang độ / Nguyễn Đức Dân. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2015, Số 5 (312)
9-33 tr.

This paper introduces the key issues of scalar implicature. There are many scalars in languages. These scalars establish many possible implicatures. Studies show that the Cooperative Principle of Grice could not explain all the different phenomena of scalar implicatuers. Meanwhile, the Relevanc Principle of Sperber and Wilson turns ou to be an effective tool. Many subsequent researchers such as Horn and Lewinson and other have modified Grice s theory. This paper develops some specific structures of empty words in Vietnammese. These play a key role in conveying scalar implicatures, especially those with extreme implicatons.

Vai trò của biểu thức tình thái trong chuyển dịch phát ngôn mang hàm ý phủ định từ tiếng Anh sang tiếng Việt / Trịnh Thị Thơm. // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 12 (307).
tr. 61-70

The system of modal words in different from language to language. Such difference between English and Vietnamese requires a creative application of translation theories in the translating process in order to have the right choice of linguistic forms to obtain the necessary equivalence between the source and the target language. This research idicates that the translators use a set of Vietnamese modal words when translating utterances with negative implicature from English into Vietnamese. This is good strategy to make the Vietnamese translations more natural and close to the Vietnamese.

否定辖域及焦点否定之语义解释 = Scope of Negation and the Meaning of Focused Negation/ 刘丽萍. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2014, No. 5 (169) // 语言教学与研究 2014, 第5卷 (169)

69-78 p.

This paper discusses the scope of the negation and the meaning of focused negation.It supports an idea that the negation scope in Chinese is a c-commanding domain of negative words.Within clauses,negation will associate with focus in spite of its scope.It is argued in this paper that the semantic interpretation of negative sentences containing focus is closely related to the semantic characteristics of contrastive focus and its interaction with negation.On the basis of previous studies,this paper presents a semantic interpretation for the negative sentence with a contrastive focus,which includes:(i) assertion meaning and(ii)implicature.Besides,this paper holds that the negation is associated with focus in its implicature.

论[许可]和[免除]的两种隐涵义 = Two Kinds of Implicature of Permissive and Exempt / 林刘巍;LIN Liu-wei;Huaqiao University;Zhejiang University; // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2016, No.4.
p. 34-40.

According to Q1 principle the structures which literal meanings are "permissive" can get implicature "not necessary", and "exempt" can get implicature "not forbidden". According to Q2 principle the structures which literal meanings are "permissive" can get implicature "necessary", and "exempt" can get implicature "forbidden". The former is quite contextindependent while the latter is context-dependent and only exists in face-threatening context. When the utterance may threaten hearer’s face, speakers usually express small amounts of information according to politeness principle. These phenomen exist in modality and other categoris which members have different amount of information.