Dòng Nội dung
不同水平CSL学习者作文流畅性、句法复杂度和准确性分析——一项基于T单位测量法的研究 = Analysis of Fluency,Grammatical Complexity and Accuracy of CSL Writing: A Study Based on T-Unit Analysis / 安福勇. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 3 (173) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第3卷 (173)

11-20 p.

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第二语言(汉语)教学近义词区别项目习得难易度调查 = A Study on the Difficulty Levels of Distinctive Item Acquisition of Near-Synonyms in CSL / 薛扬; 刘锦城;XUE Yang;LIU Jin-cheng;Dalian University;Princeton University; // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2016, No.4.
p. 95-102.

Based on experiments and interviews, as well as teaching experiences. This article discusses the difficulty levels of distinctive item acquisition of near-synonyms by ranking the difficulty levels according to the evaluation of difficulty and the accuracy. This article also focus on the changes of the difficulty levels along with the improvement of Chinese language of CSL learners. Finally, this article makes several recommendations to the differentiation of nearsynonyms in CSL.
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