Dòng Nội dung
中国成人英语学习者内隐学习实证研究. /c盖淑华, 文秋芳. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2013, Vol. 45, No.4. // 外语教学与研究 2013, 第45卷.第4期
tr. 557-567.

Is implicit learning possible for adult SLA learners? Williams (2004, 2005) and Leung & Williams (2011) offered empirical evidence that learning without awareness appears to be feasible; yet replication studies have produced contradictory results. The present study revisited and extended Leung and Williams’s (2011) study by using a hybrid design to gather online data at the stage of encoding and testing phase as well as offline data after the experimental exposure. Some methodological changes were implemented to adapt to the Chinese EFL context. The quantitative analyses of the data drawn from a series of 3 experiments involving 108 Chinese EFL participants have revealed that, at the online stage, learners without awareness show learning by significant difference in reacting time to the violated items, at the off-line stage, learners without awareness appear capable of selecting the correct determiner- noun combination when required to do so from options of animacy information. From this a conclusion can be drawn that Chinese EFL learners, given abundant exposure, can acquire grammatical rules implicitly.

二语习得中不可解特征的可及性研究——以英语VPP歧义习得为例 = Accessibility problems of uninterpretable features in L2acquisition:The case of ambiguous English VPP constructions. / HU Yang;CHEN Jingli. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2014, Vol. 46, No.5. // 外语教学与研究 2014, 第46卷.第5期
771-782 p.

Available studies on the L2 acquisition of ambiguous English VPPs produce interesting results but also generate unsolved problems.This paper presents an empirical study of the acquisition of English ambiguous VPPs by adult Mandarin and Spanish Speakers.Results obtained from an animated cartoon selection task indicate that whilst neither the Mandarin nor the Spanish speakers possess native-like interpretative knowledge,Spanish speakers show tense-based interpretations of the target VPPs.The results were discussed in relation to the issue of whether uninterpretable features not already activated in the first language are still accessible in adult L2 acquisition.The implications of the present study for existing studies on L2 acquisition of ambiguous English VPPs were also presented.

复杂动态系统理论:对二语习得研究的反思 = Complex Dynamic Systems Theory:A Reflection on Second Language Acquisition Research / 许希阳; 吴勇毅. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 2 // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第2卷

1-7 p.

The complex dynamic systems theory is a newly established theory and has attracted more people’s attention in SLA research in recent years.This paper aims to demonstrate the theory by considering the general issues in SLA.It states that complex dynamic systems theory enables us to rethink the SLA research from the following five perspectives:the core concept,research subjects,the interaction of language subsystems,the relationship between environment and cognition mechanism and methodology.Furthermore,the claims of philosopher Edgar Morin are introduced in order to obtain a better understanding of the five issues in SLA research.

复杂动态系统理论:对二语习得研究的反思 = Complex Dynamic Systems Theory:A Reflection on Second Language Acquisition Research / 许希阳; 吴勇毅. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 2 (172) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第2卷 (172)

1-7 p.

he complex dynamic systems theory is a newly established theory and has attracted more people’s attention in SLA research in recent years.This paper aims to demonstrate the theory by considering the general issues in SLA.It states that complex dynamic systems theory enables us to rethink the SLA research from the following five perspectives:the core concept,research subjects,the interaction of language subsystems,the relationship between environment and cognition mechanism and methodology.Furthermore,the claims of philosopher Edgar Morin are introduced in order to obtain a better understanding of the five issues in SLA research

汉语关系从句与指量词的位序:二语产出视角 = Ordering of Chinese Relative Clauses and Determiner Phrase: A Second Language Perspective / 吴芙芸; 吕骏;WU Fu-yun;LV Jun;Shanghai International Studies University; // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2016, No.4.
p. 84-94.

Existing work on L1-Chinese has shown that Chinese comprehenders tend to put the demonstrative-classifier(DCL) phrase before subject relatives, but after object relatives. Korean is similar to Chinese in that both are numeral-classifier languages with prenominal relative clauses(RCs). Would it be easier for Korean learners of Chinese to acquire the asymmetric distributional pattern of DCLs in Chinese RCs? This study investigates how advanced Korean L2-Chinese learners position demonstrative-classifiers(DCLs) in Chinese RCs, using both off-line and on-line production data. Our results are inconsistent with the Shallow Structure Hypothesis, but more in line with the Unified Competition Model