Dòng Nội dung
形容词谓语句内部的等级性与平行性 = The Rank Sequence and Parallel Relationships in Adjective-predicate Sentences / 孙鹏飞;SUN Peng-fei;Zhejiang Gongshang University;Beijing Language and Culture University; // Chinese Language Learning. Hanyu xuexi . 2016, No.4.

75-83 p.

This paper makes a cognitive and semantic analysis on adjective-predicate sentences by using the related theory of subjectivity,objectivity,bounded and unbounded. We try to make a uniform and brief explanation on adjective-predicate sentences. The paper point out that there are three rank orders of different forms in the adjective-predicate sentences, which decide the selection and presentation of adjectives. We also try to reveal the parallel relationships of bounded, unbounded, subjectivity, objectivity, description and statement in predicate-adjective sentences.