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劝止义“(咱)不VP”格式的交互主观性及其成因 = The Intersubjectivity of “(Zɑn)+bu+VP” Used to Dissuade and Its Origin / 刘春卉;Liu Chun-hui. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2016, No.4.
p. 15-26.

"Bu+VP" used to dissuade somebody from doing something is of obvious Intersubjectivity. Compared with the typical imperative sentence "bie+VP","bu+VP" could show the speaker’s concern for the listener or could avoid the possible pressure of a command, because "bu+VP" is not the imposition of others, but the speaker’s own choice, which could reflect the deep care for hearer and the close relationship between them, and that is why "bu+VP" is often cooccured with "zɑn" instead of the second pronoun "ni" to refer to the hearer."zɑn+bu+VP" used to dissuade hearer from doing something is of doubled intersubjectivity, because "zɑn" used to refer the hearer could show the speaker’s concern for the hearer by assuming they are belong to the same group, and its origin is common with "lɑi" used as "qu", which shows the close relationship by assuming they are in the same place instead of the same group

自然会话中“其实”的话语标记功能及言者知识立场 / 田婷 // 汉语学习 ,Chinese Language Learning 2017(04)


Generally, "qishi" is considered as a factual adverb, while based on the study of real occurred conversation, we claim that rather than a typical modal adverb in written Chinese, "qishi" often acts as a discourse marker in spoken Chinese, with a subjectivized procedural meaning. As a discourse marker, "qishi" can be used in both turn-taking and topic-dealing, focusing on the subsequent information. According to the analysis of the context, it is argued that "qishi" can mark the discrepancy between the utterances given by speakers and the expectation of listeners, as well as the information on which the speaker has epistemic authority

面子威胁缓和语“不怕你+V” = “Bupani+V” as a Discourse Marker of a Mitigator of Face-threatening Acts. / 苏小妹. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2014, No. 6 (170) // 语言教学与研究 2014, 第6卷 (170)

91-100 p.

This paper attempts to demonstrate that some discourse markers can mitigate face-threatening in Chinese verbal interactions through exploring the phrase"bupani+V".It argues that,the phrase"bupani+V"has already become a discourse marker through pragmatic inference.This structure can not only present subjectivity,but also convey strong intersubjectivity.Using it can alleviate awkward situations and harmonize interpersonal relationships when the following sentences threaten faces of speakers or hearers.The sentences which followed"bupani+V"may be classified into several types in view of semantics,such as critical comments,bad news,the negative information of couter-expectation and so on.Finally this paper points out there are two other types of discourse markers which have the same function in Chinese conversation:one is the phrase bushiwoshuoni;the other phrase is"shuoju……de hua".