Dòng Nội dung
“吃食堂”的认知功能分析 = A Cognitive-functional Analysis of Mandarin Construction Chi Shitang / 胡勇; Hu Yong; // Chinese teaching in the world. shijie hanyu jioxue . 2016, No.3.
哈尔滨师范大学国际教育学院 上海师范大学对外汉语学院
342-355 p

Speculative and commentary adverbs co-occur in propositions.Their distribution mode and the specific usage fall into four categories:pre-sentence independent use vs.inner-sentence use attached to the adverbial,being attached to the whole sentence vs.being attached to the predicate,continuous co-occurrence vs.discontinuous co-occurrence,and being attached to main clause predicate vs.to sub-clause predicate.The expressive and semantic functions of dual commentary can be subsumed underexpressive commentary vs.cohesive commentary,full scope vs.half scope,assured speculation vs.speculation assurance,and recognition-type confirmation vs.suspicion-type confirmation.This compatibility of expression and the effect thus achieved are motivated by euphemistic subjective expression,comprehensive objective evaluation estimation,subjective judgment with leeway,and corresponding balance between different views.

Các kiểu cấu tạo thuật ngữ du lịch trong tiếng Việt và tiếng Anh = Some structural types of tourism terminologies in Vietnamese and English / Lê Thanh Hà. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2014, Số 12 (230).
tr. 71- 76

The sudy on structural types of tourism terminologies, especially the phrasal ones is very necessary. It helps to find out the popular types with high productivity to emulate or analogy in creating new tourism terminologies and in standardizing the exesting ones as well.

Réanalyse et changement linguistique / Bernard Combettes. // Langages. 2014, Vol. 196.
53-67 p.

Le but de cette contribution est d’examiner les points de contact qu’il est possible de déterminer entre l’opération de réanalyse et l’approche diachronique d’une langue, en l’occurrence le français. Après avoir rappelé les principales caractéristiques, communément reconnues, de la réanalyse, on aborde la question de la nature du processus et celle du rôle majeur qu’y joue l’analogie. On observe ensuite comment la réanalyse est soumise aux grandes tendances de l’évolution (passage d’un système synthétique à un système analytique, hiérarchisation des syntagmes, spécialisation des catégories). Est enfin envisagé le fonctionnement de ce type particulier de changement, l’accent étant mis sur la nature et le rôle de l’ambiguïté ainsi que sur la phase d’actualisation, qui permet de considérer que la réanalyse est pleinement aboutie.