Dòng Nội dung
“V个X”结构的生成:轻动词解释 = Generation of the Construction of“V ge X”:An Interpretation in Terms of Light-verb Theory / 王姝. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 4 (174) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第4卷 (174)

60-67 p.

在"洗个手"这种"V个X"结构中,"个"与"X"无搭配选择关系,此种结构不是基础生成,是轻动词促发位移操作的结果。"V个X"结构的深层结构为:[vP DO[DP个WX]]。"V个X"结构的前身是"作/做个VX",通过删略"作/做"紧缩为"V个X"。紧缩的动因是为了制作一个与"作/做个VX"的命题意义相同但具有较强烈主观色彩的格式。"V个X"结构中的"个"是无定冠词,其作用是将"VX"DP化.

《参数再思考》述评 / 杨烈祥; 何贞慧; Luis Eguren; Olga Fernández-Soriano; Amaya Mendikoetxea. // Foreign Language Teaching and Research. 5/2018

tr. 794-798

<正>原则与参数理论(Principle and Parameter Theory)自创立以来,在解释语言多样性与共性之间的张力时起着重要作用,极大地促进了语言理论研究,在生成语言学中具有重要地位,同时也不断受到质疑和批评。由Eguren、FernándezSoriano和Mendikoetxea主编、剑桥大学出版社2016年出版的《参数再思考》一书从理论建设和语言经验两方面考察了与参数理论相关的诸多问题。除绪论部

从汉语的角度看vP = Looking at vP from the Chinese perspective / 陈哲; 李亚非; CHEN Zhe;LI Yafei. // Foreign language teaching and research 2016, Vol 48, N.4

483-497+639 pages.

While vP is widely adopted in syntactic analyses,some popular arguments for its existence are not flawless.By looking into the phenomenon of liberal oblique objects in Chinese(e.g.,eat this restaurant and eat extravagance),this paper offers new evidence for vP outside VP.It also examines a few implications of vP that have not received attention from researchers,including howv affects the theory of word-formation and whether v plays a role in deriving Burzios generalization.

形容词带宾的韵律句法分析 = A Prosodic-Syntax Analysis on “Adj.+Object”Construction in Mandarin Chinese. / Jia Lin-Hua. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2014, No.5.
p. 51-58.

On the basis of contemporary Prosodic-Syntax and Light-verb theory,we analyze two special phenomena of‘adj. + object’in mandarin Chinese: "single-syllable adj. + double objects"and"two-syllable adj. +object". We propose that( Ⅰ). The above two structures both result from the head-movement triggered by light verbs;( Ⅱ). the reasons why the indirect object of single-syllable adj. prefers to personal pronouns or relative appellation words and why the object of two-syllable adj.has to be two-syllable are both because of constraint of the Nuclear Stress Rule( NSR) of Chinese language. The above analysis not only offers new evidences to the theory of Prosodic Syntax,but also provides supports to the argument that syntactic movement has to observe the prosodic rule.

现代汉语轻动词“打”的来源刍议 = On the Etymology of the Light Verb Dain Chinese. / Zhuang Huibin. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2014, No. 3. // 语言教学与研究 2014, 第3卷
北京 : 北京语言大学语言研究所, 2014.
67-74 p.

The light verb dain Modern Chinese can be traced back to the verbal prefix da in Middle Chinese,which developed into a light verb when some"da V"constructions were reanalyzed into"da O".Due to the grounding of their objects,"da O"constructions can still convey their meanings adequately in spite of the fact that dabreaks away from its semantic rail.