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从配价结构探索英汉翻译单位——基于语料库的考察 = A corpus-based study of translation units from the perspective of valency pattern / 甄凤超(ZHEN Fengchao). // Foreign language teaching and research 2016, Vol 48, N.3


Corpus-based studies of phraseology have verified the extended unit of meaning.Whether this extended unit of meaning corresponds to translation unit or not is a heated research topic in the field of corpus-based translation study.By taking CONSIDER as an example,the present study applies the corpus-based descriptive system of valency pattern proposed by Zhen & Yang(2015)to the analysis of translation units and their equivalents in English-to-Chinese parallel corpora in hope of finding the ideal translation unit.The data analyses show that the English source language matches the Chinese target language in the valency patterns of CONSIDER to a great degree.In addition,the valency patterns are the syntactic restrictions on CONSIDER and these patterns could be employed not only to differentiate the different senses of the verb,but also to exert an influence on its translation equivalent.The conclusion is that the words with valency patterns can be employed as the ideal translation units,and they are of great value to the understanding of language meaning and the practice of translation

从配价结构探索英汉翻译单位——基于语料库的考察 = A corpus-based study of translation units from the perspective of valency pattern / 甄凤超, ZHEN Fengchao, School of Foreign Languages,Shanghai Jiao Tong University. // Forerign language teaching and research . 2016, No.3.

Corpus-based studies of phraseology have verified the extended unit of meaning.Whether this extended unit of meaning corresponds to translation unit or not is a heated research topic in the field of corpus-based translation study.By taking CONSIDER as an example,the present study applies the corpus-based descriptive system of valency pattern proposed by Zhen & Yang(2015)to the analysis of translation units and their equivalents in English-to-Chinese parallel corpora in hope of finding the ideal translation unit.The data analyses show that the English source language matches the Chinese target language in the valency patterns of CONSIDER to a great degree.In addition,the valency patterns are the syntactic restrictions on CONSIDER and these patterns could be employed not only to differentiate the different senses of the verb,but also to exert an influence on its translation equivalent.The conclusion is that the words with valency patterns can be employed as the ideal translation units,and they are of great value to the understanding of language meaning and the practice of translation.

短语学视角下的二语词语知识研究 = Research on L2 lexical knowledge within the framework of phraseology. / LU Jun;WEI Naixing. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2014, Vol. 46, No.6. // 外语教学与研究 2014, 第46卷.第6期
865-878 p.

This paper is intended to explore L2 lexical knowledge through multiple comparisons of nearsynonyms among L2 learner English,native English and Chinese within the model of Extended Units of Meaning.Data shows that i)both L1 and L2 lexical items have their distinctive phraseology in terms of collocation,colligation,semantic preference and semantic prosody;ii)near-synonyms in native English differ markedly in phraseology and thus in communicative function;iii)L2 near-synonyms tend to have similar phraseology,which is highly congruent with their shared Chinese equivalents.The results suggest that in communication lexical items convey meaning largely by their phraseological units and phraseological knowledge makes the leading part of lexical knowledge;L2 lexical knowledge is the product of the interaction between L1 and target language,where L1 phraseological knowledge is a significant source of implicit knowledge and has an important role to play in the development of L2 lexical knowledge.