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论翻译批评的介入性与导向性——兼评《翻译批评研究》 = On the engagement and guidance of translation criticism / 许钧(XU Jun). // Foreign language teaching and research 2016, Vol 48, N.3


Since translation activities have become unprecedentedly complicated in the new era,it is necessary for scholars of translation criticism to pay full attention to two difficult issues in translation criticism:the slow development of translation theory and the non-presence of translation criticism.To solve these two problems effectively,this article adopts the viewpoints of A Study of Translation Criticismto analyze the importance of engagement and guidance of translation criticism,and points out that scholars of translation criticism should intervene in problems of current translation activities.In order to play a constructive role in the development of translation activities,scholars of translation criticism should understand the essence of translation and evaluate translation activities from a historical perspective to enhance the guidance concerning value and development by translation criticism

论翻译批评的介入性与导向性——兼评《翻译批评研究》 = On the engagement and guidance of translation criticism / 许钧, XU Jun, chool of Foreign Studies,Nanjing University. // Forerign language teaching and research . 2016, No.3.
