Nội dung
中国英语学习者心理词汇语义加工中的同译效应 = Same translation effect on Chinese EFL learners’ lexical semantic processing / 张萍(ZHANG Ping).
// Foreign language teaching and research 2016, Vol 48, N.3 p370-p381 This study investigated the differences of L1=L2 same translation effect on the lexical processing of Chinese tertiary-level EFL learners under different word-type-and-context conditions,and triangulated the online lexical decision task and offline sentence completion task with corpora and word association data.The findings are:1)RT is much shorter in judging same translation pairs than in different translation pairs;2)word-type affects the speed of semantic judgment,yet it does not wash away L1-accelerated effect in the same-translation pairs;3)the provision of sentence context could not activate peripheral semantic elements of same translation pairs;4)same translation effect could find support in corpora and word association tasks