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维果茨基心理语言学思想探微——Znachenie slova本质分析 = Investigation of Vygotsky’s psycholinguistics——Analysis of the essence of znachenie slova / 刘星河(LIU Xinghe);Holbrook Mahn. // Foreign language teaching and research 2016, Vol 48, N.3


Vygotsky’s psycholinguistics is profound and extensive in the development of human’s meaning-making processes based on social and cultural connections and circumstances.His focus is on the probe of the unification of speaking and thinking processes,and on the illustration of the entity created by this unification— an internal speaking/thinking system with meaning at its core.To interpret it,Vygotsky generates the unit— znachenie slova and explains the roots and the progress of znachenie slova as a unit of the speaking/thinking system.He also takes into account the genetic,functional and structural analysis of the processes through which human being internalizes meaning in the intersubjective condition and constructs it in an internal and psychological system.The basis of this system is the human being’s capacity to generalize by using symbolic representations in a meaningful interaction.Vygotsky’s theoretical perspective of the skeleton of generalization in the speaking/thinking system is essential to the clarification of the way of human being’s producing znachenie slova of the sociocultural relations

世纪回眸:中国女性翻译家管窥. / 蒋林, 潘雨晴. // Chinese translators Journal 2013, Vol. 34 (222). // 中国翻译 2013, 第34卷
北京 : [中國外文出版發行事業局], 2013.
tr. 18-22.


维果茨基心理语言学思想探微——Znachenie slova本质分析 = Investigation of Vygotsky’s psycholinguistics——Analysis of the essence of znachenie slova / 刘星河, LIU Xinghe, Holbrook Mahn , H.Mahn, School of Foreign Studies,Jiangsu Normal University;Dept. of Language,Literacy &Sociocultural Studies,College of Education,University of New Mexico. // Forerign language teaching and research . 2016, No.3.
江苏师范大学, 新墨西哥大学

维果茨基心理语言学思想博大精深,在"社会-历史-文化"视域下涵盖个体语言能力及语言意义生成与发展过程的多重方面。其中,语言与思维辩证发展系统观是维果茨基心理语言学思想的内核,而构成语言/思维系统的单元是znachenie slova。维果茨基以发生的、功能的和结构的研究方法,分析了个体在社会交互中语言能力的内化过程及语言意义的生成过程。维果茨基提出,符号表征与概括应为构建语言/思维系统的功能性逻辑原始,因而对概括结构的分析是理解znachenie slova的关键。