Dòng Nội dung
关于受贿罪主体之重构 = Reconstruction Bribery Subject on the Perspective of “Relation Criminal Law”. / Liu Xiaoshan;Wu Hongjiang. // Wuhan Universiy Journal. 2014, Vol. 67. // 武汉大学学报. 哲学社会科学版g2014, 第67卷.

29-33 p.

In order to fundamentally solve criminal legislation of bribery crime and theoretical supposition so as to explain the situation of passive response,we,using the "Relation Criminal Law"as the analysis tool and combining with Transformation of government functions the reality of our situation,advocated that we should put the"public service"into the substantive interpretation of"Official business";we also presented that we should change the expression of the subject of bribery crime in Criminal Law of China from the "State Functionary"to "Public official",referring to the relevant provisions of the"UN Anti-Corruption Convention".

历史视域下的社区文化建设新趋势 = New Trend of Community Culture Building from the Historical Vision / 杨敏. // Journal of Huazhong normal University. Vol.54, No.5(2015)
29-37 p.

Social governance and its institutional innovation have attracted great attention.In the process of building community commonality, interest intercommunity,meaning intercommunity,as well as order intercommunity,the regression and renaissance of traditions constantly inspire new vitality in the course of community construction.For contemporary China"s rapidly deepening into modernity,"traditional inventions" are more frequent,meanwhile,the regression and renaissance of traditions are particularly noteworthy.In the long-range and broad historical horizon and from the perspective of the theory of"traditionmodernity",the discussion on the topics involving"tradition-modernity","big tradition-small tradition"and"big society-small place",highlights the significance of re-constructing and newly-constructing traditions in the community culture building.

文化“走出去”语境下中国文学英译的误读与重构——以莫言小说《师傅越来越幽默》的英译为例 / 朱振武; 杨世祥; // 中国翻译 ,Chinese Translators Journal 2015(01)
北京市 : [中國外文出版發行事業局], 2015


英语国际通用语背景下的语用能力及其重构 = Pragmatic competence in English as a lingua franca and its reconceptualization / 冉永平;杨青(RAN Yongping;YANG Qing). // Foreign language teaching and research 2016, Vol 48, N.2


Different pragmatic features of English as a lingua franca(ELF)have emerged in the multilingual and multicultural contexts,some interactional patterns,which are different from the traditional ones about English as a native or foreign language,can be easily found with other-cultural orientations,they are evidence of ELF pragmatic competence and that of pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic competence in particular.This provides both necessity for reconceptualising pragmatic competence of English in a lingua franca context,and important implications for reconsidering pragmatic competence of English as a foreign language in China

英语国际通用语背景下的语用能力及其重构= Pragmatic competence in English as a lingua franca and its reconceptualization/ 冉永平,RAN Yongping. 杨青,YANG Qing. Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies; Faculty of Foreign Languages,Guangdong Ocean University. // Foreign language teaching and research 2016, Vol 48, N.2

