Dòng Nội dung
责任保险的内在逻辑及对食品安全风险之控制 = The Internal Logic of Liability Insurance and the Risk Control of Food Safety / 李华(LI Hua). // Journal of Nanjing university 2016, Vol 53, N.3


It is its responsibility for the society of risks to provide perfect insurance protection and strong risk control,so that social security is to be guaranteed,and people’s pursuit of equality and happiness,satisfied. The liability insurance is functional in transferring risks,spreading loss,compensating damage and providing relief. The transfer of liability risk may diminish the function of punishing and curbing the illegal in tort law,thus leaving the field of food safety at hazard morally. In China,it is not enough to put food safety simply under an authoritarian supervision.Food safety calls for a "cooperative management",where the insurer,feasibly and necessarily,should have a role to play. A perfect insurance system can not only help keep food safety from any incidence of moral hazards,but also is highly functional in risk management. The cooperation between an insurer and a food safety supervisor can help the former to improve its risk management of food safety,to have a multi-governance in food-safety risk curb,to perfect the management system of food safety,and to achieve the ultimate goal of keeping food safe

试论我国食品安全执法机制的变革 / 高志宏. // Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and social sciences 2013, Vol. 6 // 南京大学学报 : 哲学社会科学 2013, 第四集
南京 : 南京大学学报编委会, 2013
tr. 74 - 86.


责任保险的内在逻辑及对食品安全风险之控制 = The Internal Logic of Liability Insurance and the Risk Control of Food Safety / 李华, LI Hua. // Journal of Nanjing University . 2016, No.3.


食品安全私人执法研究——以惩罚性赔偿型消费公益诉讼为中心 = Study on Private Enforcement of Food Safety / 黄忠顺. // Wuhan University Journal(Philosophy & Social Sciences) Vol 68, No.4 (2015).
湖北省武汉市 : 双月, 2015
84-92 p.

Public enforcement system has been strengthened in the new"Food Safety Law",while private enforcement system has not yet attracted the attention of legislators.As private enforcement performs indispensable and complementary functions,we should strengthen the system construction of the consumer public interest litigation through judicial interpretation.Consumer public interest litigation for punitive damages makes operators’ external costs and consumers’ positive externality internalized and reduces the incentive cost of private enforcement.In order to have the scale effect of punitive damages litigation realized,consumers might transfer both compensatory and punitive claims to some consumers’ association with qualification to file public interest litigation.

食品安全问题的诉讼求解与模式创新——以公益诉讼的视角展开 / 李响. // Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and social sciences 2013, Vol. 6 // 南京大学学报 : 哲学社会科学 2013, 第四集
南京 : 南京大学学报编委会, 2013
tr. 64 - 73.
