Dòng Nội dung
中学教学语法和语法教学 / 庄文中.
北京 : 语文出版社, 1999
404 页. ; 21 cm.

教育心理学 / 陈琦, 刘儒德.
北京 : 高等教育出版社, 2009
599p. ; 23cm.

汉字的特点与对外汉字教学 = Characteristics of Chinese Characters and Chinese Character Teaching. / Li Yunfu. // Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2014, Vol. 28.

356-367 p.

Given the number of Chinese characters and the strokes making up a single character,it is believed that Chinese characters are difficult both to teach and to learn in TCFL practice.In fact,the difficulty in Chinese character teaching is predetermined by the characteristics of Chinese characters,specifically their form,construction and function.In comparison with English,the form of a Chinese character is two-dimensional,so how to assemble the configuration units and how to distinguish different forms constitute learning difficulties.The construction of Chinese characters embodies the functions of the components and the correlation between the different functions.How to correctly split a character into its components and judge the function of each component and its correlation with others are also difficult in Chinese character learning.The function of Chinese characters is varied and the actual language unit they record can range from word to morpheme,and sometimes to syllable.Moreover,the unit of language and the unit of the character may not always match on a one-to-one basis;it is a commonly seen phenomenon for different words/morphemes to use the same character and different characters to record the same word/morpheme,which has a severe impact on correctly understanding and using Chinese characters and meanwhile constitutes the real difficulty in Chinese character learning.Chinese character teaching should focus on these points to ensure that international students can overcome the difficulties in Chinese character learning.

汉语动结式二字词组及其教学处理 =Two-character Verb-resultatve Phrases and Their Teaching, / 赵金铭, Zhao Jinming. // 世界汉语教学i, vol 30, no 2, 2016


That a phrase can be compounded directly by two verbs or by a verb plus an adjective is one of the most distinctive syntactic structures in the Chinese syntactic system,which is also a difficult language point for foreign learners of Chinese.From the perspective of the sources of verb-resultative structures and of the errors of the learners,this paper first reveals the difficulties and the peculiarities of this structure by analyzing the rhythm and the concept of the structure.Then it is proposed to treat the verb-resultative structure as a compound verb on the basis of an investigation into the changes and developments in how TCFL handles the structure,the advice from foreign teachers who teach Chinese,and domestic teaching materials.Finally it is suggested that this kind of phrase should be listed as new words and explained in Chinese textbooks for foreigners to learn,understand,and use.