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Is Exploitation Justice?——the Thoughts of Contemporary Western Marxist on Exploitation and Justice / Qiao Hong-wu, Shi Yuan-zhi.
// Journal of Huazhong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences) 2013, Vol 52, N.5 p60-p71 剥削理论是马克思主义经济理论的重要组成部分,也是马克思对资本主义进行道德批判的重要理论依据.像马克思一样,西方马克思主义流派的一些学者也把剥削理论作为自己研究的重心问题之一.本文回顾了西方马克思主义的几个重要人物——罗默、柯亨以及埃尔斯特等人关于资本主义剥削不道德性的论述,并结合当今西方研究马克思主义剥削理论的主要学者——麦金泰尔与埃塞尔、布尔扎克、德马蒂诺等四人对于剥削不道德性的批判,说明罗默等早期马克思主义者集中证明的是,剥削的不正义在于生产资料占有的不正义和交易的不正义;而麦金泰尔等人则证明了剥削的不正义在于资本主义对工人权利的侵犯,他们共同形成了对伍德论断(即认为在马克思文本中,资本主义剥削是合乎正义的)的反击
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剥削是合乎正义的吗——西方马克思主义关于剥削与正义的思想探析 / 乔洪武, 师远志.
// Journal of Central China Normal University. Philosophy and social sciences. 2013, Vol. 52.
// 华中师范大学学报. 哲学社会科学版 2013, 第52卷 武汉 : 华中师范大学学报编辑部, 2013.tr. 60 - 71. 剥削理论是马克思主义经济理论的重要组成部分,也是马克思对资本主义进行道德批判的重要理论依据。像马克思一样,西方马克思主义流派的一些学者也把剥削理论作为自己研究的重心问题之一。本文回顾了西方马克思主义的几个重要人物——罗默、柯亨以及埃尔斯特等人关于资本主义剥削不道德性的论述,并结合当今西方研究马克思主义剥削理论的主要学者———麦金泰尔与埃塞尔、布尔扎克、德马蒂诺等四人对于剥削不道德性的批判,说明罗默等早期马克思主义者集中证明的是,剥削的不正义在于生产资料占有的不正义和交易的不正义;而麦金泰尔等人则证明了剥削的不正义在于资本主义对工人权利的侵犯,他们共同形成了对伍德论断(即认为在马克思文本中,资本主义剥削是合乎正义的)的反击。
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道德治理内涵的演变与良性伦理秩序的构建 = The Changing Concept of Moral Governance and Building Well-order Relation / 熊富标.
// Journal of Huazhong normal University. Vol.54, No.3(2015) 2015.59-64 p. Moral governance,its concept should include"governance by the way of morality"and"governance on the moral issues".In the long years,people used to focus on the former meaning of moral governance.But recently,people began to focus on the latter.This quietly change,not only because of"penetration of the market economy"and"the legal exclusion",but also"slow update"of the moral system,especially when the system faces the challenge of new era,new problems,new technology.The changing concept of moral governance reveals an important revelation—morality is gradually sliding into the danger of marginalization and the abandoned.It calls for moral governance, which confirms the seriousness of moral issues. Faced with this predicament,when people govern moral issues,we should set a long-term goal—building ethical order,but not deal with several small moral issues.
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