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"Belief Seeks Understanding" and "Understanding Explains Belief"——Reflection on the Relation of Religion, Theology and Philosophy / Zhang Qingxiong.
// Journal of Huazhong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences) 2014, Vol 53, N.5 p53-p59 There are two opposing views concerning the relation of religion, theology and philosophy : one is, religious belief is above speculative reason, and therefore the rational philosophy should serve for rational theology; one is, reason is the final criteria for judging everything, and therefore the rational philosophy have a task of enlightening the religious beliefs. In my opinion the both views are biased. In our life-practice, belief is the starting point and the motivation power of practice, because people always believe something and then bring what they believe into action, and only when they encounter problems, the original faith will be questioned, and will be modified or form a new belief according to the new experience. Taking this life-practice viewpoint to look at the relationship between belief and understanding, we can’t simply say that “belief leads to understanding” or “understanding enlightens belief”. The correct expression should be that we are always in the process of “belief seeks understanding” and “understanding explains belief”
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Apotheosizing Physicians: A Multi-dimension Construction of Historians, Patients and Physicians in Tang Dynasty / Yu Gengzhe, Zhang Yanling.
// Journal of Huazhong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences) 2013, Vol 52, N.6 p122-p134 唐代医学人物的神化分为全面神化和局部神化两大类.前者指人格神化,后者指技术或者医学知识来源的神化.唐代对医学人物的神化以古人为主,当代人物较少,反映出神化的一般规律以及唐代“特重古方”的医学思想背景.对孙思邈的神化历经多个阶段,最初是宗教属性居上,至唐以后医药属性后来居上,折射出“医者贱业”思想的逐步改变.某些医疗技术被神化的比率较高,例如外科术、针法、难产救治等等,反映出这些技术的发展难题.唐代医学人物的神化是史家、病家、医家出于各自目的分层塑造的结果.阅读史料中纷纭复杂的医药人物形象,实际上是在阅读书写者的心态
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唐代医学人物神化考论 / 于赓哲, 张彦灵.
// Journal of Central China Normal University. Philosophy and social sciences. 2013, Vol. 52.
// 华中师范大学学报. 哲学社会科学版 2013, 第52卷 武汉 : 华中师范大学学报编辑部, 2013.tr. 122 - 134. 唐代医学人物的神化分为全面神化和局部神化两大类。前者指人格神化,后者指技术或者医学知识来源的神化。唐代对医学人物的神化以古人为主,当代人物较少,反映出神化的一般规律以及唐代"特重古方"的医学思想背景。对孙思邈的神化历经多个阶段,最初是宗教属性居上,至唐以后医药属性后来居上,折射出"医者贱业"思想的逐步改变。某些医疗技术被神化的比率较高,例如外科术、针法、难产救治等等,反映出这些技术的发展难题。唐代医学人物的神化是史家、病家、医家出于各自目的分层塑造的结果。阅读史料中纷纭复杂的医药人物形象,实际上是在阅读书写者的心态。
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圣教论 / 乔茶波陀,巫白慧 译释. 北京 : 商务印书馆, 1999.195 页. ; 21 cm.
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