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Three Defense of Historical Materialism and Justice / Li Dianlai.
// Journal of Huazhong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences) 2013, Vol 52, N.6 p66-p74 人们通常以为,历史唯物主义与正义是互为他者乃至是相互对立的,这是一种误解.真实的情况是,非实证的历史唯物主义与正义并不隔阂,历史必然性告诫也并未消解正义,而正义研究最终只能走向政治经济学批判.这两者之间相激互融、彼此依托的内在兼容性关系决定了,我们对马克思正义思想的开掘与开显,需要在重新解读和梳理历史唯物主义的理论路径上推进.当然这也不仅仅是因为此一路径是切近马克思哲学的真实思想逻辑的,同时也体现了历史唯物主义当代创生的基本要求
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关于历史唯物主义与正义兼容的三重辩护 / 李佃来.
// Journal of Central China Normal University. Philosophy and social sciences. 2013, Vol. 52.
// 华中师范大学学报. 哲学社会科学版 2013, 第52卷 武汉 : 华中师范大学学报编辑部, 2013.tr. 66 - 74. 人们通常以为,历史唯物主义与正义是互为他者乃至是相互对立的,这是一种误解。真实的情况是,非实证的历史唯物主义与正义并不隔阂,历史必然性告诫也并未消解正义,而正义研究最终只能走向政治经济学批判。这两者之间相激互融、彼此依托的内在兼容性关系决定了,我们对马克思正义思想的开掘与开显,需要在重新解读和梳理历史唯物主义的理论路径上推进。当然这也不仅仅是因为此一路径是切近马克思哲学的真实思想逻辑的,同时也体现了历史唯物主义当代创生的基本要求。
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历史唯物主义与马克思正义观的三个转向 / 李佃来.
// Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences 2015, Vol. 52, No. 5. 2015.5-14 p. 在政治哲学史上,马克思是在大异于自由主义政治哲学的路向上理解正义问题的,其正义观实现了从道德正义到历史正义、从法权正义到制度正义、从分配正义到生产正义的深刻扭转。马克思之所以能够在对正义的理解上实现这三方面之转向,主要因为他是在历史唯物主义的视域中来检视和把握政治原则的,历史、制度以及生产,就是其历史唯物主义从广义到狭义、从抽象到具体的三个落脚点。历史唯物主义不是外在于正义理论的内容,相反它是马克思正义思想得以呈现的有效载体,或者说马克思正是依托历史唯物主义才使正义理论获得有效言说的。我们在参照和借鉴西方政治哲学的视角与观点来理解马克思的正义理论时,应当切入到历史唯物主义这个理论"源体"中予以探析,而不能越过这个"源体"作出解释。
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论辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义、实践唯物主义的内涵——基于概念史的考察与审视=On the Synonymity of Dialectical Materialism,Historical Materialism and Practical Materialism:A Review Based on the Origin and Development of Conception / 杨耕.
// Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences 2016, Vol. 53, No. 2. 2016.5-25+157 p. In Marxist philosophy,there is no such a self-contained theoretical basis as dialectical materialism,nor is there any historical materialism that is said to restrict itself to mere applicability.Dialectical materialism is virtually historical materialism,and vice versa.In the history of philosophy,it was Marx that raised the concept of praxis up to the level of philosophical fundamentality,and turned it into a way of philosophical thinking,with sensible solutions to such issues as the relation between humans and the world,and the emancipation of the mankind,thus uniting materialism,dialectics and the natural and historical views of materialism as a whole.The materialism of a practical,dialectical and historical kind has been hence brought into being.That is why the so called practical materialism,dialectical materialism and historical materialism are definitely not distinctive doctrines,but the same world view of Marxist materialism from three dimensions.
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