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“中四角”经济区与我国区域经济协调发展 / 刘勇, 李仙.
// Journal of Central China Normal University. Philosophy and social sciences. 2013, Vol. 52.
// 华中师范大学学报. 哲学社会科学版 2013, 第52卷 武汉 : 华中师范大学学报编辑部, 2013.tr. 56 - 65. 本文应用我国"新三大地带"宏观区域经济区划体系,提出并论证了"中四角"地区是我国区域协调发展的重中之重的重要观点。文章认为,我国区域经济协调发展关键在"大中部"地区,而"大中部"地区的关键又是"中四角"地区。"大中部"是我国人口最多、经济发展水平最低的地带,呈"V"塌陷格局,只有"大中部"兴,全国才能兴;"中四角"经济区在"大中部"区位条件最好、发展增长潜力最大,只有"中四角"兴,"大中部"才能兴,全国才能兴。文章最后还提出了未来我国"中四角"经济区建设的战略构想:建设成为长江流域的龙身,全国第四增长极;成为未来中国工业化城镇化的主战场;成为中国区域协调发展政策的核心区。
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On the "Four-city Area in Middle China" and the Coordinated Development of Regional Economy in China / Liu Yong, Li Xian.
// Journal of Huazhong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences) 2013, Vol 52, N.6 p56-p65 本文应用我国“新三大地带”宏观区域经济区划体系,提出并论证了“中四角”地区是我国区域协调发展的重中之重的重要观点.文章认为,我国区域经济协调发展关键在“大中部”地区,而“大中部”地区的关键又是“中四角”地区.“大中部”是我国人口最多、经济发展水平最低的地带,呈“V”塌陷格局,只有“大中部”兴,全国才能兴;“中四角”经济区在“大中部”区位条件最好、发展增长潜力最大,只有“中四角”兴,“大中部”才能兴,全国才能兴.文章最后还提出了未来我国“中四角”经济区建设的战略构想:建设成为长江流域的龙身,全国第四增长极;成为未来中国工业化城镇化的主战场;成为中国区域协调发展政策的核心区
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中国区域经济政策协调的再思考——兼论“一带一路”背景下区域经济发展的政策与手段=Re-thinking the Coordination of China’s Regional Economic Policies:On the Regional Economic Development Policies and Measures in the Perspective of “B & R” / .丁任重, 陈姝兴.
// Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences 2016, Vol. 53, No. 1. 2016.26-33+157 p. Under the background of "The Belt and Road"( B & R) strategy,the focus of regional development policies is on regional coordination,and the theoretical and empirical research of it is of great significance. In reality,however,the coordination of this sort is fragmented in conception,similar in designing,isolated in implementation,and short-termed in objectives. To deepen the study of B & R strategy and to achieve a coordinative development of the great region,and thus for China to fully play the role of a stimulator in the cooperation and communication in Asian and Pacific regions,it is essential to explore and consider such brand-new understandings as the positioning of regional coordination,planning of regional differentiation,specific industrial and regional policies and government roles.
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