Nội dung
On the Reform of Doctoral Students Enrollment System / Dong Zefang
// Journal of Huazhong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences) 2014, Vol 53, N.6 157-p162 “入学统考”制度虽有考试方式不科学、选拔标准不全面、保障机制不健全等弊端,但“统考”的社会价值不能否定.试行“申请审核”制具有不少优势,但也面临诸多挑战与风险,可以在部分单位先行先试,不宜全面推开.此改革涉及面广、难度大、矛盾多,是一项复杂的系统工程,首先必须从制度上重视宏观(国家)层面与微观(招生单位)层面的系统设计,前者包括确立博士生招生制度改革的主要目标、明确改革的指导思想与基本原则等;后者包括对招生模式的设计、操作程序的规定与运行机制的健全等.其次必须在操作层面遵循三条基本原则,即整体设计与局部试验结合、立足国情与合理借鉴结合、适度突破与稳步推进结合
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国有文化企业管理体制改革:从主管主办制度到出资人制度 = System Reform of State-owned Cultural Enterprise: From “Supervisor-oriented System” to “Sponsor-oriented System”. / Fu Caiwu.
// Journal of Huazhong normal University. 2014, Vol. 53.
// 华中师范大学学报.人文社会科学版 2014, 第53卷 61-67 p. Since the cultural system reform in the fields of cultural market and cultural industry entered the deep-water area of property rights system reform,problems of enterprises property rights management system related to state macroscopic system construction is becoming obvious day by day.The key to rationalize the relationship between party and government departments and its subordinate cultural enterprises and public institutions lies in the transition from supervisor-oriented system to sponsororiented system,reconstructing a new cultural enterprise management system with cultural property system as the core.Currently,based on the understanding and respect for the particularity of cultural enterprises,it is necessary to define the property right of state-owned enterprise by identifying the relationship between government as the sponsor and the state-owned cultural enterprise,promoting the reform and transition of the management mode of state-owned cultural enterprise.
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