Dòng Nội dung
Économie, contraste et contours / Ali Tifrit. // Langages. 2015, Vol. 198.
p. 51-71.

Cet article explore deux concepts-clés du programme phonologique : l’économie des systèmes et le contraste. Ces deux concepts ont été récemment réinvestis et reformulés dans une perspective autosegmentale par Clements (2003, 2006), d’une part, Dresher (2009) et Hall (2011), d’autre part. L’objectif est de réduire le nombre de primitives nécessaires à définir les systèmes et les processus. Cependant, ces deux hypothèses font l’impasse sur les relations inter-segmentales. Nous développons une hypothèse basée sur des contours qui donne du poids à ces relations. Ces contours, vus comme des structures, sont à l’origine de ce qui est interprété en surface comme des traits.

L’émergence du sens au cours de l’évolution / Jean-Louis Dessalles. // Langages 2016, N.201.
p. 129 - 145.

Pour Darwin, les facultés mentales de l’être humain diffèrent de celles des autres animaux par leur degré, et non par leur nature. Pourtant, l’analyse des compétences cognitives humaines révèle certaines opérations qui ne prennent leur sens que par rapport au langage.

So sánh đối chiếu thành ngữ chỉ sự quyết tâm trong tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt từ góc nhìn liên văn hóa = A comparative and contrastive study on proverbs showing determination in English and Vietnamese language from intercultural perspectives / Nguyễn Nhật Quang // Tạp chí Khoa học ngoại ngữ Số 61/2020
Hà Nội : Đại học Hà Nội, 2020
tr. 13-25 ; 27 cm

For the purpose of effective communication, every learner of a foreign language needs knowledge of the language, skills and culture. Phraseological units, particularly proverbs in this study, are the root of almost all cultures as well as a critical part of language acquisition. This research, based on cross-cultural features and semantic analysis, aims to point out the similarities and differences of English and Vietnamese determination proverbs. This research can, therefore, explore the cross-cultural gaps between the two languages in terms of proverbs’ referents. Moreover, teachers can promote the learning spirit of students in their exploration of the beauty of proverbs in both languages. From this study, students can find out the relationship between the two languages and cultures, as well as gain more background knowledge and experience. Coursebook designers can also use this research as a source of reference to localize English coursebooks in Vietnam.

Xác lập quy trình dịch ẩn dụ từ tiếng Anh sang tiếng Việt (Trên cứ liệu văn bản diễn thuyết của Mỹ)./ Nguyễn Thị Như Ngọc // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 4 (299).
tr. 59-71.

The paper analyzes the translations of metaphors from English into Vietnamese by comparing and contrasting the metaphors in American political speeches with their Vietnamese translation versions. As a result, a three-step procedure was set up to identify cross-domain mappings and relevant linguistic expressions, and four metaphor translation patterns in the view of cognitive linguistics. The research results and detailed illustrations with suggested translation help English majors, especially those of translation and interpreting specialization, to obtain sharp visions of how to apply the found patterns with appropriate transformations operatively and scientifically.