Dòng Nội dung
Ba mươi năm nghiên cứu từ vựng - ngữ nghĩa tiếng Việt (1986-2015) / Nguyễn Đức Tồn. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2015, Số 8-9 (316-317)
24-53 tr.

This paper attempts to provide an overview of thirty years of research in the field of Vietnames lexico-semantics. The article presents some prominent achievements and highlights some new research directions in Vietnamese lexico-semantics studies. These include: (1) research on Vietnamese lexical units; (2) research on the meaning (s) of Vietnamese words; (3)research on Vietnamese word classes; and (4)research on standardizing Vietnames vocabulary. Details of these are presented in the paper.

Some ways to endanger an endangered language project / Lindsay J. Whaley // Language and education 2011, Vol25, N.3
p. 339-348

The success of programs that are focused on revitalizing an endangered language de¬pends on careful implementation. This paper examines four common mistakes that are made when linguists and anthropologists get involved with documenting endangered languages or participating in revitalization efforts: a failure to appreciate the complexity of the notion of ‘the community’; an overly simple understanding of the notion of ‘the language’; a neglect of the social dynamics and needs that underlie language use; and assuming too much control of the revitalization efforts. In the process of laying out these issues, a framework for how cultural outsiders can participate in an endangered language project will emerge. Fundamental to this framework is the recognition that language is a social practice, and as a consequence, working with an endangered language entails engagement with a range of complex, and often countervailing, social dynamics

字母报名规范研究=On the Normalization of Letter Names of Newspapers / 匡芳莹, 杨文全, 毕波. // Applied linguistics. 2015, No.4.
61-67 p.


对外汉字教学中笔顺规范化的层次性思考 = Differentiated Understanding towards the Standardization of Stroke Order in Teaching Chinese Characters to International StudentsD / 盛继艳. // Applied linguistics. 2013, No.1.
125-130 p.

The three standards of the stroke order of Chinese characters are stroke direction standard,cornering stroke standard and stroke order standard.Having conducted a comprehensive study to analyze and categorize stroke order errors made by international learners of Chinese,the study finds that accurate stroke direction has the most significant effect on the correct writing of Chinese characters,followed by cornering stroke standard,and that stroke order does not exhibit conspicuous influence on the correct writing.Considering this finding and the feasibility of standardizing stroke order in Chinese characters in the teaching to international students,this paper argues the stratification of stroke order standardization in teaching Chinese characters to international students.