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A story without SELF : Vygotsky’s pedology, Bruner’s constructivism and Halliday’s construalism in understanding narratives by Korean children / Han Hee Jeung, David Kellogg. // Language and Education Vol.33, No 6/2019
UK : Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
p. 445-468 ; 26 cm.

The work of L.S. Vygotsky was popularised in the West between two great waves of educational thought: constructivism and cognitivism. Reception was therefore colored by three metaphors introduced by Jerome Bruner: ‘construction’, ‘scaffolding’ and ‘narrative’. Narratives were to be characterized by features we call SELF: Subjects, Expectancy and counter-expectancy, a Linear subject-verb-object clause grammar, and a Focalizing voice. In this paper, we try to understand how narratives might be learned in Korean, where subjects are optional and often dispreferred, processes tend to predominate in expectancy over participants, linearity is subject-object-verb rather than subject-verb-object, and even the focal voice must often be shared. For help, we return to Vygotsky’s work in ‘pedology’, the holistic science of the child, and to similarly inspired work on child language by M.A.K. Halliday. First, we explore Vygotsky’s own unit for the development of consciousness, perezhivanie, an untranslatable term for the way in which the child ‘over-lives’ experience through language. Second, we show how Halliday’s system networks can help us describe how perezhivanie might develop and we argue that Halliday’s term ‘construal’ is a more useful, non-metaphorical, description of what Vygotsky had in mind.

Biểu thức ngữ vi hỏi giải thích trực tiếp chứa từ hỏi “어디- đâu/ ở đâu” trong tiếng Hàn./ Hoàng Thị Yến. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2014, Số 3 (221).
tr. 8-17

Our study inherits relevant research and carries out surveys, statics and analysis of characteristics of language expression of directly asking to explain which contains question word “어디- where/ in where” (based on the source of Korean linguistic data). The article analyzes characteristics of language expression of directly asking to explain which contains question word 어디 (with the meaning of i) showing parts of the body/health, ii) showing location, iii) and other meaning) in relations with responsive actions and factors of language use and events in communication.

Expectation and reality: Korean sojourner famines in the UK / Seonghye Moon // Language and education 2011, Vol25, N.2
p. 163-176

Increasing numbers of Korean sojourner families are moving to an English-speaking country on a short-term basis in the hope of improving educational and linguistic outcomes for their children. This study reports the findings of an ethnographic case study of 10 families in southern England. The motivation for the move to the UK is explored, paying particular attention to the influence of parents’ dissatisfaction with the education system in Korea and the role of English as an international language. Interviews and focus group discussions with parents, children and their teachers as well as classroom observation are used to highlight the disjunction between the expectations and the actual experiences of Korean sojourners. Key areas of dissonance were found to include classroom behaviour and skills and strategies for learning. Such information is critical for both families - ideally before they make the move to the new country - and teachers in the receiving countries. There are also clear implications for policymakers in Korea

First step in Korean / 慶熙大學校 平生敎育院 편저.
서울 : 民衆書林 , 1999.
xx,133p. : 삽도 ; 26 cm.
慶熙大學校 平生敎育院 편저.