Dòng Nội dung
Đánh giá giáo trình "New English file pre-intermedite" = An evaluation of “New English life pre-intermadiate”/ Đào Thị Sáng. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2014, Số 11 (229).

The study was conducted to evaluate the material New English File Pre-intermediate which has been used for the first-year non-English mojor student at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH) since 2010 with a view to collection instruments employed in this study were questionnaires for teachers and students, teachers’ interviews and teachers’ weekly self-report. The material is analyzed based on the criteria proposed by Hutchinson & Water (1987), Cunningsworth’s (1995), Tomlinson’s (1998) and Mc Grath’s (2002) frameworks. The strengths and weaknesses of the material discovered through the study enable the author to conclude that the material responds to students’ needs and interests.Suggestions for better application of the material include adaptation techniques like addition, deletion, replacement, re-ordering and combination. Hopefully, these can help improve students’ English learning quality at the institution.

Les classiques adaptés pour la jeunesse et le FLE / Cyrille François // Les Langues Modernes No 2/2019-113e
p. 46-54

La lecture de textes littéraires en classe de français langue étrangère (FLE) pose un certain nombre de problèmes lorsqu’il s’agit de choisir un support. La difficulté des œuvres choisies pour leurs qualités littéraires peut, selon le niveau des apprenants, rendre la lecture très compliquée et peu stimulante. Par ailleurs, les collections destinées aux apprenants de FLE rencontrent souvent une forte résistance, autant de la part des apprenants que des enseignants. Par la comparaison d’adaptations jeunesse et FLE, et sur la base de plusieurs expériences en classe de FLE dans un contexte académique, cet article questionne la pertinence de certaines adaptations jeunesse comme option pour la lecture de classiques par des apprenants adultes.

Les classiques adaptés pour la jeunesse et le FLE / Cyrille François. // Les Langues Modernes No 2/2019-113e

p. 46-54

La lecture de textes littéraires en classe de français langue étrangère (FLE) pose un certain nombre de problèmes lorsqu’il s’agit de choisir un support. La difficulté des œuvres choisies pour leurs qualités littéraires peut, selon le niveau des apprenants, rendre la lecture très compliquée et peu stimulante. Par ailleurs, les collections destinées aux apprenants de FLE rencontrent souvent une forte résistance, autant de la part des apprenants que des enseignants. Par la comparaison d’adaptations jeunesse et FLE, et sur la base de plusieurs expériences en classe de FLE dans un contexte académique, cet article questionne la pertinence de certaines adaptations jeunesse comme option pour la lecture de classiques par des apprenants adultes.

Một số yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến hành động thích ứng của nông dân đối với các chương trình thích ứng biến đổi khí hậu ở một số nước châu Phi. / Dương Thị Minh Phượng. // Tạp chí Khoa học. 2014, Số 58 (92).
tr. 172-177.

Active farmer adaptation to climate change is very important in combating worldwide climate change in developing countries (Stern 2007). This paper, therefore, is conducting a literature review on farmers’ perception and adaptation to climate change in some countries of Africa region. It, particularly, identifies factors, which affect farmers’ adaptation behavior, including education level, the access to extension services, the availability of credit, or household size… This paper is concluded with some recommendations for adaptation policy reforms in these areas.

Using student co-regulation to address L2 student’ language and pedagogical needs in university support classes / Marianne Turner // Language and education Vol 24, No3, (May 2010)

p251 - p266

This article highlights student co-regulation of teaching practices as a way of exploring how L2 student’ language and pedagogical needs can be met in university support classes. Integtation rather than assimilation – or adapting to the needs of students rather than leaving students to face the exigencies of the new learning environment alone – is the forcus of the article. Data are taken from a qualitative study of Sudanese former refugees attending an Autralian universiti. In this study it was found that teachers used their authoritative position to adapt their teaching to the students’ apparent needs to deffering degrees. Students benefitted from some modifications in teaching practices, but their ambivalent reactions to discussion-based teaching, in particular, proved to be an obstacsle to their learning in the support classes