Dòng Nội dung
从写实主义到现实主义——中国新文学对现实主义的理解、接受与阐释 = From "Xie Shi Zhu Yi" to Realism——Chinese New Literature on Realistic Understanding,Acceptance and Interpretation. / Kuang Xinnian. // Journal of Huazhong normal University. 2014, Vol. 53. // 华中师范大学学报.人文社会科学版 2014, 第53卷
武汉 : 华中师范大学学报编辑部, 2014.
70-83 p.

Realism,which was introduced to China asrealist school "since the late Qing Dynasty,had dominated the literature field in the May Forth movement period.The reception of science and evolutionism were two important background knowledge for the reception of realism(translated as xie shi zhu yi)during this period.The ideal realism school" also constituted an important psychological foundation for the reception of realism in the 1930s.In the early 1930s,the commonly translation for realism(xie shi zhu yi)was reinterpreted as xian shi zhu yi.The reinterpreted concept was reexamined,and the Marxism and Engels famous judgment became the key point of the definition of realism.Before the anti-Japanese war,it was obvious that realism had monopolized the field.Realism has long been playing a key role in contemporary Chinese literary critics.The interpretations and debates related to it have constituted the main historical development vein of the critics of modern Chinese literature.Many methodological disputes such as authenticity,paradigm,imaginative thinking,the world view and creative methods were brought about around realism.