Dòng Nội dung
修饰成分与数量结构话语指称性分析 = A Study on Prenominal Modifiers and Discourse Referentiality of Classified NPs / 钟小勇. // 世界汉语教学 =Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2015, Vol. 29.

184-195 p.

Classified NPs with a prenominal modifier are significantly higher in continuity value than classified NPs without a prenominal modifier,and classified NPs with multiple prenominal modifiers are significantly higher in continuity value than classified NPs with one prenominal modifier.This shows that prenominal modifiers put NPs in more salient positions,which accords with the principle of iconicity.The present author argues that it is inadequate to attribute the differences in continuity value between these classified NPs to the principle of iconicity only;factors such as animacy,semantic referentiality,number,and syntactical role also have some bearing in this regard.The significantly higher continuity value of classified NPs without de(的)between the prenominal modifier and the head noun than those with de can also be explained in terms of such factors.It then seems that these factors are closely and extensively related to continuity and the interaction between them can provide new perspectives and ideas for error analysis.

光杆形式的话语指称性分析=The Study on the Discourse Referentiality of Bare Forms / 钟小勇. // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 4, 2015
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2015.
p. 14-18.

Bare form is often used to introduce referent into discourse, its continuity is low. The continuity of bare forms are different saliently,which relates mainly to a nimacy, semantic referentiality and syntactic function,the three relevant elements sequence: animacy>syntactic role>semantic referentiality. Continuity relates to many elements, it is need to consider all relevant elements when we studies the antecedent errors made by overseas students.

量词与数量结构的话语指称性分析 = Study on Classifier and the Discourse Referentiality of the Classifier Construction / Zhong Xiao-yong; Hangzhou Normal University;Zhejiang University. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2015, No.3.
p. 43-50.

There are many different kinds of classifiers,different classifier constructions(CCs)with different kinds of classifiers differs in persistence value,which relates definitely to different kinds of classifiers,furthermore,CC with individual classfier(CCi) differ not saliently in persistence value to CC with group classifier(CCg),which relates mainly to semantic referrentiality and syntactic role,but a little to number.CCi differs saliently in persistence value to CC with part classifier(CCp),which relates mainly to animacy,number and syntactic role.CCg differs saliendy in persistence value to CCp,which relates mainly to animacy,but a little to syntactic role