Nội dung
马克思主义哲学与批判心理学前沿进展 = Marxist Philosophy and the Pioneering Studies of Critical Psychology. / WANG Bo.
// Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences 2014, Vol. 51, No. 3.
// 南京大学学报 : 哲学社会科学 2014, 第一卷 2014tr. 5-15. Psychology as an important part of Western leftist critique of discourse, inheritance and development of Marxist philosophy and psychology of modern psychological critique main agenda predictions from both theoretical and practical aspects of psychology. In the developed capitalist society, the proletariat was transformed into a public body and the psychology of individuals to adapt to the capitalist system, the psychology of the proletariat become self-understanding and shaping the ideology of the machine. Such a comprehensive and full flexibility of the rule of psychology as a capitalist political governance of new forms of life, so that the liberation of the proletariat agenda once again been shelved indefinitely. In the main scientific criticism claiming psychology psychology based on this understanding of the process of historical materialism, is committed to a comprehensive reflection and reconstruction of the underlying assumptions of traditional psychology, theoretical scope and methodology, giving a radical psychology, emancipation, seeking social justice and question the status quo new way forward.
马克思主义社会批判理论视域中的空间问题——以哈维关于资本积累的空间研究为中心=The Spatial Turn in the Perspective of Marxist Social Critical Theory:On David Harvey’s Research of Capital Accumulation / 林密.
// Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences 2016, Vol. 53, No. 2. 2016.26-36+157-158 p. 资本积累的界限问题是马克思主义经典社会理论的共同主题,这一问题可以进一步聚焦为资本积累机制的时代变迁问题。对这一问题的不同探索,决定了马克思主义社会批判理论在不同历史时期的理论主题、出场路径与样态。在当代社会批判理论研究中出现了一个引人注目的空间转向问题。从列斐伏尔到哈维,他们立足于资本主义的全球空间扩张与空间重组这一现实,旗帜鲜明地将资本主义借助空间实现自我再生产作为核心议题并进一步确立为社会批判理论的中心。哈维紧紧围绕资本对劳动的控制以及资本积累的时空机制与策略,聚焦宏观和微观两大视角,以城市化问题作为经验研究平台,提出了一个透析资本主义积累策略之时代变迁与内在矛盾的理论。