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主持人语 / 许结.
// Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences 2016, Vol. 53, No. 1. 2016.117 p. <正>古人论赋,极多精辟之语,如谓"体国经野,义尚光大",以说明赋体宜彰显的时代气象;复谓"会须能作赋,始成大才士",这既是要求赋家必备因才辨学与驾驭群文的能力,也指明"赋兼才学"的文体本质与时代需求;又谓"多识博物,有可观采",这其中的一"物"一"观"不仅拓开赋家广征博采、厚积薄发的境界,而且提示了赋体与他体相较更重"当代性"的创作意义。因此,2015年7月国家图书馆"文津讲坛"邀约讲"赋",我就以"汉赋创作与国家形象"为题,凸显赋体的形象与气象。然而,宏大的书写必须落实于具体而微的构建,辞赋作为中国文学史上最重修辞艺术的一种文体,有
经典的世代更替与中国文化的历史进程——兼论中国文学史书写的长时段视角 = The Generation of Classics and Cultural Process of China——And on a Long-term Examination about the History of Chinese Literature. / Chen Wenxin;Fang Xian.
// Journal of Huazhong normal University. 2014, Vol. 53.
// 华中师范大学学报.人文社会科学版 2014, 第53卷 68-74 p. The Five Classics,The Four Books and The Four Famous Novels whose antecedents are The Four Masterpieces, are of great significance in the generation change of Chinese cultural classics. TheFiveClassicshad been taken the center stage in elegant classics in Han Dynasty until the Four Books replaced them in Song Dynasty. The popular cultural force had become powerful since the mid-Ming Dynasty and The Four Masterpieces had been recognized as popular classics by marginal scholars and nonofficial cultural force.Then since the the New Culture Movement, modern scholars like Hu Shi and Lu Xun have made great efforts to solidify the position of the four popular novels as classics in the mainstream culture.After 1949 The Four Great Classical Novels published by People’s Literature Publishing House have become modern cultural classics as the result of the efforts of educational media and cultural consumption. On the whole, The Five Classics dominated the culture of mid-ancient times and The Four Books played the leading role in the culture during ancient times nearest to the present, and the establishment of the status of The Four Great Classical Novels indicated symbol of the transformation from traditional culture to modern one.