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何为翻译:定义翻译的第三维思考 = Towards a Multi-dimensional Conception of Translation / LAN Hongjun; Jinan University.
// 中国翻译 ,Chinese Translators Journal 2015(03) 北京市 : [中國外文出版發行事業局], 2015.p.25-30+128. Epistemologically speaking, any new effort to redefine translation ought to presuppose the definability of its essence. Such an essence should be a multi-dimensional existence with historical variation, rather than a mere either-or presence. We need, furthermore, to differentiate it into a special essence and a general one, and to recognize its divisibility into categories and classes. With the above presupposition as its point of departure, this paper undertakes to re-define translation by adding a genetic dimension to the content- and function-oriented conventional model, and thus to offer a three-dimensional framework for rethinking the nature of translation.
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何为翻译:定义翻译的第三维思考 = Towards a Multi-dimensional Conception of Translation / LAN Hongjun; Jinan University.
// 中国翻译 ,Chinese Translators Journal 2015(03) 北京市 : [中國外文出版發行事業局], 2015.25-30+128 pages. Epistemologically speaking, any new effort to redefine translation ought to presuppose the definability of its essence. Such an essence should be a multi-dimensional existence with historical variation, rather than a mere either-or presence. We need, furthermore, to differentiate it into a special essence and a general one, and to recognize its divisibility into categories and classes. With the above presupposition as its point of departure, this paper undertakes to re-define translation by adding a genetic dimension to the content- and function-oriented conventional model, and thus to offer a three-dimensional framework for rethinking the nature of translation.
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美国与北约的“第三维”——以现代社会挑战委员会的建立为中心 / 张勇安, 孙洁.
// Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences 2015, Vol. 52, No. 5. 2015.50-63 p. 迫于内外交困的压力,1969年4月,尼克松政府提出了建立北约现代社会挑战委员会的倡议,以探索如何最有效地调动西方国家的经验和资源,从而改善其人民的生活质量。尔后,美国通过驻外使节、北约秘书长曼利奥·布罗西奥等与各国政要进行协商,从而打消其疑虑,多数盟国对倡议的态度逐渐由怀疑转变为赞同。是年11月,北约理事会批准组建现代社会挑战委员会,12月,委员会第一次会议召开,美国的倡议终成为事实,为北约超越军事防御和政治协商两个维度,涉足"第三维"——以环境问题为代表的社会领域——提供了一个新载体。不仅如此,委员会作为现代环保运动的"催化剂"一定程度上促使西方各国开始采取国内行动应对现代社会的挑战。同时,它的建立也为推进冷战缓和时代东西方世界在非传统安全领域的合作提供了可能。
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