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“隐微传统”与政治哲学的重建——解读列奥·施特劳斯的“苏格拉底问题”= “Esoteric Tradition”and the Reconstruction of Political Philosophy ——An Interpretation to Leo Strauss’ “Socratic Issues” / 张敏. // Wuhan Universiy Journal. 2015, Vol. 68. // 武汉大学学报. 哲学社会科学版g2015, 第68卷.

21-27 p.

Leo Strauss is identified with his unique study on "Classical Political Philosophy"in contemporary western intellectual,the core work of which is to reinterpret the well-known"Socratic Issues"in history of thought.By contrasting poet Aristophanes and philosopher Plato in Ancient Greece,Strauss raises a version of"Two Socrates",which are"Young Socrates"who assailed justice or piety and lacked of self-knowledge,and"Grown Socrates"who defended justice and piety,and provided of Phronesis.Strauss explains the key reason to this"Change"is that Plato’s"Grown Socrates"has already realized philosophers must"descend to the cave"and undertake a political behaviour due to the understanding of the basic conflict between "Knowledge"and "Opinion",wisdom and agreement,or philosophy and political society.Meanwhile,the"Exoteric-Esoteric Double Teaching"rediscovered by Strauss’ studies on the philosophers of Middle Islam and Judaism provides an important theoretical tool to support his version of"Two Socrates".It is the very result of comprehensively explaining the general significance of the"Exoteric Teaching"of"Grown Socrates"that Strauss draws our attention to the"Priority of Political Philosophy":Political philosophy achieves to tame philosophy socially as well as protects the philosophic way of life donated to seeking for wisdom and truth

历史唯物主义与马克思正义观的三个转向 / 李佃来. // Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences 2015, Vol. 52, No. 5.
5-14 p.


商鞅之“法”的政治哲学反思——兼论法治的功能、价值和精神 = Political Philosophy Reflection of Shang Yang’s Law——Concurrently Discuss the Function,Value and Spirits of Law-ruling / 吴保平; 林存光. // Wuhan University Journal(Philosophy & Social Sciences) Vol 68, No.3 (2015).
湖北省武汉市 : 双月, 2015
86-91 p.

This article takes the meaning and objective of Shang Yang’s Law as its starting point,which can help us have a better understanding of Shang Yang’s law-ruling thoughts.Shang Yang’s thoughts centered in"ruled the country by law",formed and expanded around "agriculture strategy".The principal part of the statesmanship is emperor in his law-ruling thoughts,but making the whole country rich and its military force strong is not the only purpose in his ideology,"all-people self-governance","the whole world’s stable","re-establish the highest moral"and "inherit the virtue in society"are the other political ideas to be achieved.From the political philosophy’s perspective,Shang Yang’s Law reflects the function,value and spirits of law-ruling.

改造性批判与历史发生学批判——关于马克思《黑格尔法哲学批判》之“批判”概念辨正 = Criticisms of Transformative and Histogenetic Nature:A Study of the Conception of Criticisms in Marx’s Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. / ZHU Xue-ping. // Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences 2014, Vol. 51, No. 4. // 南京大学学报 : 哲学社会科学 2014, 第一卷
tr. 23-34.


杜威实用主义政治哲学考察 = John Dewey’s Pragmatism and its Political Philosophy / 张国清; 刘腾. // Journal of Huazhong normal University. Vol.54, No.4(2015)
73-82 p.

American pragmatist John Dewey suggests a comprehensive view of social democracy.He pushes democracy into all areas of human activities,even into religion societies or church communities,and he tries to unite scientific inquiries and social practices,to explore the coherence between public sphere and private life,democratic politics and liberty of belief.He believes that there is some inherent constancy among scientific experiment,democracy,freedom and social progress.He transforms the traditional metaphysics with a holistic experimentalism,replaces the arbitrary politics with the democratic politics,improves the expectations of the modern human life as a whole,seeks the continuity of philosophy,religion,science and common life,and justifies that democracy is the main way of human life.John Dewey leads pragmatism turning on political philosophy.In the second half of the 20 th century,his political philosophy profoundly affects new pragmatism,deconstruction and postmodernism.