Dòng Nội dung
清词自度曲与清代词学的发展 / 刘深. // Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences 2015, Vol. 52, No. 6. // 南京大学学报 : 哲学社会科学 2015, 第4卷
136-153 p.


社会文化对文学修辞的影响 = The Influence of Social Culture on Literature Rhetoric / 童庆炳. // Journal of Huazhong normal University. Vol.54, No.4(2015)
83-91 p.

Literature rhetoric is not an isolated phenomenon,and its production has close relation with the social culture of a specific historical period.Literature rhetoric,once produced,must penetrate the social culture,which in turn influence and affect social culture.This article mainly discusses the effect of social culture on literature rhetoric,such as rhythm,antithesis,and allusion.It thinks that literary theory urgently need comprehensive study.