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“被发明的传统”——《人间词话》是如何成为国学经典的 = The Invention of Tradition: How Ren Jian Ci Hua Became the Canonic Chinese Classics?. / LUO Gang. // Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences 2014, Vol. 51, No. 3. // 南京大学学报 : 哲学社会科学 2014, 第一卷

Ren Jian Ci Hua by Wang Guowei did not arouse any significant interest from the society of Ci-poetry in the late Qing Dynasty,nor did his theory of poetics bring forth any cultural influence around the period of Xinhai Revolution in 1911. Only after the May Fourth New Culture Movement did the book begin to gain a rising reputation through the praises from Hu Shi and others. In 1930’s- 1940’s,such scholars as Tang Guizhang wrote to critizise Wang’s theory of poetics. In 1950’s- 1960’s,the scholars,trained in Soviet Union literary tradition,made a great number of researches on Wang’s poetics,and this helped the book be canonized. Their critical interest is mainly in the correspondence between Ren Jian Ci Hua and the literary theories in Soviet Union tradition. They spoke highly of Wang’s theory on artistic conception,and regard it as the closest practice to western modern literary theories in ancient Chinese literary theories. Ren Jian Ci Hua became a magnum opus of ancient Chinese poetics through scholars’ further efforts in 1980’s- 1990’s,and the theory on artistic conception in ancient China put forward by Wang has been constantly constructed in the framework of western theories. Indeed,Wang’s theory on artistic conception is one of the instances of what Eric Hobsbawm defines as the invention of tradition. Once we take the theory of artistic conception,which was invented by Wang with his knowledge of classic German aesthetics as the central category and aesthetic ideal of ancient Chinese poetics,we are indeed digging a tomb up for the poetic tradition and aesthetic ideal of our nation.

论朱彝尊在清代词坛的接受及其经典化过程=On the Acceptance and Canonization of Zhu Yizun in Ci-Poetry of the Qing Dynasty / 曹明升. // Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences 2015, Vol. 52, No. 6. // 南京大学学报 : 哲学社会科学 2015, 第4卷
123-135+157 p.

By virtue of pioneering the theme of praising objects and pursuing elegant style in cipoetry,Zhu Yizun stood out in the transition from practical to ideological form in ci-poetry during Kangxi period in the Qing Dynasty.His talent and learning in creation,aesthetic pursuit of elegant style and dual identity as a scholar and a ci-poet conformed to the main trend in ci-poetry of Yongzheng and Qianlong periods;therefore Zhu Yizun became unquestionably a classic ci-poet in the climax of acceptance of the two Periods.The contention of thoughts in ci-poetry during Jiaqing and Daoguang periods generated an elaborative discrimination and rational evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of ci-poem composed by Zhu Yizun whose classic status survived rational examinations and multi-dimensional constructions.Zhu Yizun’s decanonization was due to the following fact:the changes of mainstream ci-poetry style into a depressed one