Dòng Nội dung
《语言战略研究》即将正式创刊. // Applied linguistics. 2015, No.4.
145 p.

<正>我国第一本以语言政策和语言规划为主要内容的专业学术期刊《语言战略研究》(Chinese Language Policy and Planning),将于2016年1月正式创刊。该刊由国家语言文字工作委员会指导,中国语言学会语言政策与规划研究会学术支持,商务印书馆主办出版。刊号为CN10-1361/H,双月刊,16开96页。主编李宇明教授,执行主编郭熙教授。该刊的办刊宗旨是:服务国家和社会需求,研究现实语言问题,促进学术成果应用,构建和谐语言生活,提升国

两岸读音比较研究——基于《国语一字多音审定表》和《现代汉语词典》= A Contrastive Study on Mandarin Pronunciation Between Taiwan and the Mainland: Based on The Authorized Mandarin Polyphones( Revised Edition) and Modern Chinese Dictionary( 6th Edition) / YANG Shujun; Dai Hongliang. // Applied linguistics. 2015, No.2.
58-67 p.

The paper labels the pronunciations of The Authorized Mandarin Polyphone( Revised Edition) and Modern Chinese Dictionary( 6thEdition) and makes a comparison between the two. The statistics showthat 8270 words in the two versions are the same,among which 7190 words are homophones,accounting for 86. 74%,and 1080 words arenon-homophones,accounting for 13. 26%. The paper then compares different pronunciationsof these non-homophones in terms of tone of voice,consonance,vowel,their combinations and polyphones,analyzes the reasons for the pronunciation differencesofpolyphones and bringsforward suggestions for the examination and evaluation ofpronunciation in Taiwan and the Mainland.

中国语言学核心期刊主编与青年学者对话论坛在华东师范大学举办 / 周萍. // Applied linguistics. 2015, No.4.
86 p.


中国语言资源保护工程的定位、目标与任务 = On the Orientations,Objectives and Missions of the Project for Protecting Language Resources of China / 曹志耘. // Applied linguistics. 2015, No.4.
10-17 p.

This paper introduces the background and basis of the Project for Protecting Language Resources of China,mainly from the existing situation of language resources in China,language policy of the party and the government,and previous work on this project. It then expounds the significances and functions of the project on national developments,social progresses andcultural heritages. In addition,in light of the current situation in China,this paperputs forward further requirements on the implementation of the project. Back